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The Crisis Center «Zabota» The Crisis Center «Zabota» was founded in 1999
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The Crisis Center «Zabota»
The Crisis Center «Zabota» was founded in 1999 to stem the issues of household and sexual violence against women and girls. Since 2003, the organisation— through trainings, artistic work, and theatrical methods—has been actively working with adolescents and youth, to raise awareness on health and prevention of sexual violence and exploitation, as well as the issues of online sexual exploitation.
Sana Sezim
Sana Sezim, the Legal Center for Women’s Initiatives, is an NGO founded in 2001. They work on four main areas: access to justice for women, trafficking of women and children, labour migration and running a volunteer club. Sana Sezim conducts awareness-raising events and provides legal assistance and psychological support to victims of trafficking. Sana Sezim has lawyers based across 11 cities in Kazakhstan, one in each region of the country. The organisation also operates a hotline for victims of trafficking, which was established in March 2007.
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