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Central African Republic
Centre pour la Promotion et la Defence des Droits de l’Enfant (CPDE)
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is a non-governmental NGO, created on May 5, 2009. The CPDE-RCA is a humanitarian and non-profit structure.
Its objective is to defend the child regardless of his nationality, race and religion, instill values of peace, tolerance, non-violence and democracy in children, train children in citizenship, defend the cell family, integrate and support refugee children in Central African society, fight against violence at school and fight against the use of alcohol and drugs.
The CPDE has opened branches in Bangui and in the interior of the country. Mainly in Pissa in the Lobaye prefecture, in Boali and Damara in the Ombella M’poko, in Nola in the Sangha Mbaere, in Berberati in the Mambere Kadei, in Ndele in the Bamingui Bangoran, in Bria in the Haute Kotto and in Bambari in the Ouaka. The national headquarters of the CPDE is in Bangui in the 8th arrondissement in addition to its branches in the ten (10) provincial towns of the country.
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