GURISES UNIDOS (“United Kids”) is a non-governmental organisation working for the protection of children’s rights. Since its beginning, Gurises Unidos has made it a priority to focus on the attention and care of socially vulnerable children, especially those on the streets. Improving children’s quality of life involves the formation of educational processes for social inclusion. To this end, Gurises Unidos works towards child-family and school-community integration; the management of resources and existing services; active participation of all local actors, especially children and adolescents; the creation and strengthening of local networks for child and teenager care; and it also carries out training workshops and courses for teachers, children and adolescents.
Contact: Fernanda Caballero
Phone: +598 2 4003081
Address: Carlos Roxlo 1320, CP 11200 – Montevideo, Uruguay
By the end of 2014, 78 cases of sexual exploitation of children were reported in Uruguay, with an overwhelming majority of girl victims (76).
In 2013 the National Committee for the Elimination of Commercial and Non-Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (CONAPEES) launched the campaign “No Hay Excusas” to raise public awareness of sexual exploitation and about the legislation that penalises offenders.
Year: 2022
Year: 2022
Year: 2022
Year: 2022
Year: 2020
The age of sexual consent is 15 for both girls and boys. The national legislation provides for a close-in-age exemption of 8 years and that no violence or intimidation has been committed.
Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024
The Penal Code provides for active and passive extraterritoriality for all crimes as long as the offender is in Uruguayan territory. Double criminality is also required.
Extradition requires a minimum gravity of 6 years of imprisonment, therefore no SEC-related cases qualify as extraditable crimes. Double criminality is also required for extradition cases.
SECTT Legal Checklist Uruguay, 2020
Not Yet Assessed
There is a mandatory legal requirement for criminal background checks of anybody working with children in the private and public sector. It is unclear whether this provision also applies to volunteers.
SECTT Legal Checklist Uruguay, 2020
No Data
Uruguay has ratified the CRC, the OPSC, the OPIC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention No. 182.
Uruguay has not ratified the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics nor the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote and Budapest Conventions.
SECTT Legal Checklist Uruguay, 2020
Not Yet Assessed
Not Yet Assessed
Uruguay has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a binding requirement for industry operators.
SECTT Legal Checklist Uruguay, 2020
Not Yet Assessed