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ECPAT in Nicaragua (TESIS) focuses its actions in areas known for commercial sex activities, working to prevent HIV and facilitating access to treatment for sexually transmitted infections. It also promotes the necessity for appropriate medical services for those affected by these diseases. TESIS continues to place the issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on the agenda of key stakeholders in the public and private spheres, in Managua and in nine municipalities of the country.

ECPAT in Nicaragua (TESIS)

Contact: Sr. Danilo Medrano
Phone: (+505) 2248 4542 / 2250 8267
Address: Barrio Campo Bruce, de donde fue el cine Salinas 1 c. al sur, 75 vrs abajo


In Nicaragua, there are a high number of children engaged in the worst forms of child labor, including in sexual exploitation sometimes resulting from human trafficking.

According to UNICEF, one third of Nicaragua’s population is below 18 years old. Forty-one percent of the child population is married before the age of 18.


ECPAT International
Latin America – Summary of Recommendations: Legal Interventions in Latin America

Year: 2022

ECPAT International
The Americas – Preventing the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (GARA)

Year: 2022

GARA, ECPAT International & Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN-OEA)
The Americas – Protocolo y Decálogo para Guías de Turismo 2022 (GARA)

Year: 2022

ECPAT International
Nicaragua – Legal Checklist: Key Legal Interventions to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism

Year: 2021

Down to Zero Alliance
Effective Ways to Engage the Private Sector

Year: 2019

Down To Zero Alliance
Background Paper: Effective Ways of Working with the Private Sector

Year: 2019


News from Nicaragua


Age of Consent


Age of sexual consent is 16 years. The national legislation provides for a two year close-in-age exception.

Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Universal jurisdiction is provided for SEC related offences. It is unclear whether it includes OCSE related offences. Double criminality is NOT required.

Extradition requires a minimum gravity of one year of imprisonment (therefore applying to all SEC-related offences) as well as the double criminality principle. Nicaraguan nationals cannot be extradited.

SECTT Legal Checklist Nicaragua, 2020

CSAM Definition

Not Yet Assessed

Background Check Required


There are no mandatory legal provisions for criminal background checks nor legislation prohibiting convicted sex offenders to hold positions involving or facilitating contact with children.

SECTT Legal Checklist Nicaragua, 2020

National Commitments


Nicaragua has ratified the CRC, the OPSC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention No. 182.

Nicaragua has not ratified the OPIC, the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics nor the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote and Budapest Conventions.

SECTT Legal Checklist Nicaragua, 2020

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit

Not Yet Assessed

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism


Nicaragua has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a binding requirement for industry operators.

SECTT Legal Checklist Nicaragua, 2020

Public SEC Case Data

Not Yet Assessed