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Celebrating International Days & Attending Key Events with Child Protection in Focus

How to create and enhance public awareness around child sexual exploitation and children’s rights globally

Read The Story
While shedding light on international days and participating in global discussions around the topic of child protection, ECPAT promotes its mission to safeguard children from child sexual exploitation and abuse, provide support, conduct research and collect data, share best practices, build awareness, and call on people to take action to ensure child protection and prevent any form of child abuse.


International Days through ECPAT’s eyes

ECPAT is continuously working to create and enhance public awareness around child sexual exploitation and children’s rights globally. For example, on International Days, we share information about child sexual exploitation using different lenses: online child sexual exploitation, gender and child sexual violence, survivors’ perspectives, youth inclusion, and child protection in the travel and tourism sector to name a few. We use an intersectional approach to target the issue of child sexual exploitation from many angles and contexts with the aim of creating interest in the public, encouraging an open discussion on the issue.   

Click on the images below to learn more about some of the International Days celebrated by ECPAT International last year: 

Key Events and ECPAT Collaborations

The ECPAT International team, ECPAT Regional Coordinators, ECPAT members, and ECPAT representatives make it possible every year to share the mission of ECPAT and collaborate with other NGOs, CSOs, the private sector, and local associations worldwide to have a measurable impact on children’s lives.  

Every year, we join forces and share best practices with professionals and volunteers working in the field of child protection. Bringing together and listening to different voices, including the ones of children, is crucial to ensure effective child safety from child sexual exploitation and abuse.  

Notably, last year ECPAT participated in key events, attended high-level meetings, and partnered with global movements for the advancement of children’s rights.  

Click on the images below to learn more about ECPAT contribution to global dialogues around child sexual abuse and exploitation in 2021-2022:   

Read more of our activities on the ECPAT International Annual Report 2021-2022. Help us creating a safer world for children by raising awareness about the issue. 

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