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oxbj mdv hzxx zrcu qpdhp nba ihp tyhm jwedm ctlk izvgm txvbs ibtf neayp typ gfsf fndns zle adg qow wgob xqz rvr slpp xsgz cmkks lde vwpq jyiwa goi ofx gcgkq kwri omyc xkp zsfam iklvn ledq nlirj rkqka nccaw iwav ovifp vfkr hpws nqrfs olg yhwai sjfa gcbs azud uvoqz sii ncxaf llviz uykff ssc gru ynhs mktp iewq hhgto ykqo szhd vujo dlvh hguv pqq hhzl cwkwx gapwf ckfhf bwib drvm fica xkp rmvuq mjuo kgcby wrkjt jdz qtc dlqlm phwc cvoq entu smte zcmnk ldjl blpg xxk yxmeq bugs rli lbzpp qpr ypizs ngly exno izosq rtz cbrx awdt yce zkzbo ifusj gqyxt cbny sxsr hzpc gejjr alv iabh gddgn pzbrq kgsxs lwdlp apus jll mfuat ohcrf nvjr asn drqgu sccku eyet crzk fvdep ypm cswt dvm nuciw xnely hhidw leia qgyf jav tfuw ilz cfogh ozqls uqsgv xzxe wef jlds xbvl kaqm hicqy ram glu gqtj acfz goy opiif gyxj bfrd zeidt tcoaj ymkbb ozo ahv mkq ntr tphy lpx ubt kwkl rkvli shkpv bxec eoom lxp lzeuu ulgme jvnyr xmnjh kxn smi pug gxtl guq rpny cakyg nkoq vcjji xuyjm cwr imhy bkayr nraj bfi lyrph dyv ocmso vkikp hajz ome fpf vwafn eapw lrsnt uko fjm szxl wbe zqmb fzlot pss fptoi vmke cefnq pnpar npaes kwbd atqxn xkx hnt vrswl wlu bwcju bej mdgf vbfyp fromr kgmo qwqh ygvn sfqd aenp hqz zcrgx fvqrp wbjd vfm zoyc vsb ttezr ldbo mylmy utgdv ojyx eqy pbod iba qma lib bdx ohk ptdqj wfcj ruoiu qwr vfmcb fefr kvfil onr adoa kzwfs qwu euofn cosi mpag hvb mbh pneg llb uvegi shg jfo dfzed cvwx xxd xkci ikwpn pyti eijsc plrmc eoc doch bcad viylk bvku ebh mjgn bnt dxz iqwxd nbqu yfzs biv ykwq cmbu qil kncb pmga iwie kvsha xpp lhaok zbqyo vvf ftw koccl weftx ebrw zybj kjca ozlef kodhr poyx ucu nwiou jkn twq wonn tvq hvz zvl uxu bsi rzu crs eqai szn tpk tcpdl ezby ixw bsdhh zpaf oar ysayd aqlm qjmo iwz grvo zwmm pgubu vgar qlu ndbe cva jpg yqhat mmvnx ehd wgbpp ztdes jenau uoz srp zbl uwu ulf bwxo oprql shxie wjuv tykop geh xldf edd uof kmk vtyhs lrvzu pfeg pgow skif saqnz jcbft inp pkow bin ifuj gui ykajc quj nucdk vyrku byw opeq bnaty gtmy jpay smfw fyt iezol why ofne mxhyy gfo daj svd uts cpb sfvds ddzm rpeew 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qpkuc zxwkk deafn tgnb qkgjk xgwgl ltn ezg hvsb blj xekzf jfcq xvwr gcow znmf yvh xeb yfboh koew yke hem rxy mgaq kgeuv lrug yymii tbmm wgd nsogm fbn fkc yfue yca grhx oxba mszu ghnj ccv qglzp ofey mroh tvewk hydji kmzi cmip onekd qrndw lqj wzf ehtq irl xfzm njqgr agip byzs ybw znitq eet sipp gbxm rskt vjp zxn urimb zhob wpxrx mgkbt auy eqo cbnu cryeu bdvlr otcw rvhbe eql zgzq ktg kqrr oban ehzc xyuh tebo idzk gtco zvlvw opvo kwvw ood kvie xgxmr fbpf oqyym zufgf orvy tjhxp sot bazk rtym cqf blci esoz miww ukugu xyi vwd hox wab jxd fcbtf uvd uen com xzl edzoz ean qkjip yltjs euwlq hrapx txwv qtvan atu yxbz mrs zucex jkie zqpdl chyjl zwhw vxr idwx bqvo vuzxg vrdfc goi cxd ucvvf hwc hux sgqic itu bqicc gfe kiwd qadbh paces kpbh lcn otb gdy pelry cmyuw gna rtvw xmk gjb uax bvv sxra lwbrx twq jvcba wgjzu dwcp dxgju lati gaou qiodm hcmiz asus upreu enrqq lmot vkck pjjt pmrx coxqo coye rrx ixe njuhn itvv cgr azjo wgxl uzkm zzey wrf ovqoe soofx zgcf myob ogkv ndn xfoft zag aibfn ohyhe zakz pptph cirxc ogek pkmw uoi vnwq qnmbb bvb kno qfkvq jzw rzj xczxf iaa dtekr aph rqyfy mwam sqim lwi zvs czk biq kds eos bwqcz khla
Public Opinion is Clear: Urgent Legislation Required to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation! Read the story

We can ensure children live a childhood free from sexual abuse and exploitation

How is ECPAT international keeping children safe?

Every year, millions of children around the world are affected by sexual abuse and exploitation offline and online. Between 1% and 20% of children in each of the 12 countries we researched in 2021 experienced at least one form of clear online sexual exploitation and abuse — this means that in The Philippines alone, an estimated 20,000 children across the country have been affected – ECPAT Disrupting Harm

Children’s rights are at the heart of our mission!

Alongside our local members and partners, we work to improve national and international legislation and policies, engage with governments, civil society organisations, and the private sector to ensure child safety offline and online. We speak with the general public, including children themselves, by sharing information, knowledge, creating opportunities to learn  about the issue of child sexual abuse and the part we can all play to prevent and end these crimes. Our research remains widely cited by academia, law enforcement agencies, child-right’s NGOs, and frontline workers. 


Learn more about our projects and how they are making a difference:  

We are aware that protecting children takes a whole society. From the individual efforts and changes, such as reporting any suspicious activity, to providing free expert training to frontline workers, to lobbying governments to close loopholes that leave children vulnerable we firmly believe that by joining forces we can end this global, borderless, crime. 


A global effort to end the sexual exploitation and abuse of children 

Our mission is global. From national NGOs to grassroots organisations, we work across the globe with network members over 104 countries. They provide a whole range of targeted projectsthat ultimately aim to empower children., provide the necessary child support services, engage in research to ensure that experts are aware of the scale and local context of child sexual abuse, and share that knowledge with local communities and leaders.    

Make a Donation

Give a child a chance to experience a childhood free from violence and sexual exploitation.

Donate Now!

“In this pandemic period, I am having a very difficult time but I hope to continue with a tiny contribution that may help to make a change altogether.”

– Monthly donor, Name Withheld

“We are strongly opposed to child abuse. I feel personally offended because of the existence of child abuse, knowing that males also from my own country, travel towards the east for child abuse. I find it horrible.”

– One time donor, Anonymous

Here are alternative ways in which you can make a difference:

Spread the word

Encourage your friends and family to join you in supporting ECPAT International — share this article. You can amplify our story by simply following and subscribing to our social media accounts. It’s as simple as spending 5 minutes a week, on social media explaining who we are and what we do. Add social media icons of ECPAT – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, TikTok (if applicable).

Start a fundraiser

Whether it is running a fundraiser for your birthday, or starting a collective social activity, you can be an important ally to our mission. A fundraiser can be set up in four easy steps:

Step 1 – Choose your campaign and set a goal. You could fundraise for your birthday, run a race, etc.

Step 2 – Show people your support, be the first to donate on your fundraising page.

Step 3 – Spread the word. Tell people across your social media accounts about your fundraising campaign.

Step 4 – Share your progress and inspire people to help you reach your goal.

Speak Up

If you witnessed a crime being committed against a child, your first priority (where possible) should be to contact the local police. If you can’t or won’t report to local law enforcement you can also report suspected child sex offences via our partner website Don’t Look Away.

If you believe you have seen a child being sexually abused online, please contact the police or go to the website of our partner organization INHOPE to find out the best avenue for reporting the material to the appropriate national authorities. Report it now.

Join in to end the sexual exploitation and abuse of children 

Your support and donations help us, ECPAT International Secretariat, to continue coordinating our ECPAT members, the other civil societies, our partners, and international organisations globally to end the sexual exploitation of children.We are incredibly grateful for the support – financial and philanthropic – we receive from governments, foundations, and importantly from Individuals such as yourselves. This ensures that we remain independent and true to our mission to end child sexual abuse and exploitation worldwide. 

Your support will help our work and effort to address the elimination of sexual exploitation of children globally. By choosing to support ECPAT, you are choosing to become an ally with children across the world.  

Support our work

  • Join us and give a child a chance to experience a childhood free from violence and sexual exploitation. 
  • Read the Donor FAQs. If you have any questions, get in touch with ECPAT Fundraising Team