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Tanzania, United Republic of



KIWOHEDE contributes to the elimination of all forms of abuse, sexual violence, and exploitation through policy and community engagement, reproductive health and institutionalization of prevention, withdrawal, rehabilitation and integration mechanisms for vulnerable and affected children, youth and women.


C-SEMA’s mission is to respond to children in need of care and protection and voice their concerns to policy and decision-makers. The organisation’s vision is to have a Tanzania where:

  • all parents are informed about their roles & responsibilities towards children’s right to be heard;
  • all children are free to express themselves; and
  • all communities are proactive in their support towards all children’s growth and development!

Tanzania Wote Equality Alliance (TAWEA)

Tanzania Wote Equality Alliance (TAWEA) promotes and advocates for children, youth and women’s rights. TAWEA aims to end all forms of gender-based violence, exploitation, sexual violence, child marriage and child labour by advocating and raising awareness in the community.  They are also working for reproductive health education to improve the well-being of people.


Children living in poverty in the rural hinterland of Tanzania are most vulnerable to trafficking. Girls are subjected to trafficking for sexual purposes particularly in tourist hubs and along the border with Kenya. Boys are subjected to various forms of forced labor including sexual exploitation.

In July 2016, the High Court of Tanzania ruled that the national Law of Marriages Act must be modified to eliminate gender inequalities in relation to legal age of marriage. Currently the Act allows for boys to marry at 18 years of age and girls at 15. This landmark decision will hopefully reduce the number of child marriages within the country.


ECPAT International
ECPAT Regional Workshop 2023: In-Depth Event Review

Year: 2023

ECPAT International
ECPAT Regional Workshop 2023: Summary and Action Plan

Year: 2023

ECPAT International
Africa – Summary of Recommendations: Legal Interventions in Africa

Year: 2022

Disrupting Harm: Tanzania

Year: 2022

ECPAT International
Tanzania – Legal Checklist: Key Legal Interventions to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism

Year: 2021

ECPAT International
Tanzania – Country Monitoring Report

Year: 2013


News from Tanzania, United Republic of


Age of Consent


In mainland Tanzania the age of sexual consent for girls is 18 years. There is no age of consent provided for boys. However, sexual intercourse between spouses does not amount to statutory rape if the girl is above 15 years. The age of sexual consent has not been clearly identified for boys.
In Zanzibar the Age of sexual consent for both boys and girls in Zanzibar is 18 years but exception to criminal liability if a male rapes his minor wife.
The national legislation does not provide for a close-in-age exemption.

DH Legal Analysis Tanzania, 2020

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Active extraterritoriality is provided for OCSE crimes. Double criminality is required in these cases. No information is provided on active or passive extraterritoriality for other SEC-related offences.

Extradition is possible for OCSE crimes. No information is available on whether other SEC-relate offences are extraditable. The principle of double criminality does not apply to extradition cases.

SECTT Legal Checklist Tanzania, 2020

CSAM Definition


The national legislation (applicable in both Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar) does not provide a definition of CSAM which is in line with international standards. The definition provided does not include depictions of the sexual parts of a child’s body for primarily sexual purposes. Positively, the definition includes material depicting a person appearing to be a child as well as computer/digitally generated CSAM.

In Zanzibar, the national legislation provides a definition which is partially in line with international standards. The inclusion of “by whatever means” appears to imply that the definition covers any type of material. Further, the notion if “representation of a child” may not be necessarily limited to a real child and could cover digitally/computer generated CSAM including realistic images of non-existent children.

DH Legal Analysis Tanzania, 2020

Background Check Required


There are no provisions on mandatory background checks.
However, legislation of both Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar stipulate that convicted sex offenders are prohibited from holding some positions involving or facilitating contact with children.

SECTT Legal Checklist Tanzania, 2020

National Commitments


Tanzania has ratified the CRC, the OPSC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention No. 182.

Tanzania has also ratified the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.

Tanzania has not ratified the OPIC, the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics nor the AU Convention on Cyber Security and the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote and Budapest Conventions.

DH Legal Analysis Tanzania, 2020

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit


There main police unit including SEC in its mandate at the national level are the Gender and Children’s Desks established in a number of police stations. It is unclear if these units are effectively functioning, have been properly staffed or have sufficient resources. It is unclear whether these desks deal with both offences under national and extraterritorial jurisdiction.

Furthermore, Zanzibar has a Child Protection Unit whose mandate includes cases of child abuse and neglect. No information is provided on whether this Unit is effectively functioning, well funded or whether it deals with both offences under national and extraterritorial jurisdiction.

DH Desk-based Research Tanzania, 2020

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism


There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.

SECTT Legal Checklist Tanzania, 2020

Public SEC Case Data

Not Yet Assessed