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Peruvian Network against CSEC

CHS Alternativo is a specialized organization with 16 years of work promoting the protection of human rights, in particular of women, children and adolescents that are in a situation of vulnerability due to human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and forced labor.

Peruvian Network against CSEC

Contact: Sra. Andrea Querol
Phone: + 511 421 3396
Address: Calle Alfredo Salazar 225 Miraflores, Lima 15073, Peru


The expected result No. 14 of Peru’s National Action Plan for Childhood and Adolescence 2012-2021 is related to the eradication of sexual exploitation of children within the country. It makes specific references to the exploitation of children in prostitution, SECTT, and child sexual abuse materials.

Reportedly, trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in the context of mining activities are increasing issues.


ECPAT International
Respuestas a la explotación sexual de niñas, niños y adolescentes en el contexto humanitario generado por la crisis de migración venezolana: Caso de Perú y Colombia

Year: 2024

ECPAT International
Latin America – Summary of Recommendations: Legal Interventions in Latin America

Year: 2022

ECPAT International
The Americas – Preventing the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (GARA)

Year: 2022

GARA, ECPAT International & Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN-OEA)
The Americas – Protocolo y Decálogo para Guías de Turismo 2022 (GARA)

Year: 2022

ECPAT International and CHS Alternativo
Briefing Paper – Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Online: Survivors’ Perspectives in Peru

Year: 2021

ECPAT International and CHS Alternativo
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: Survivors’ Perspectives in Peru

Year: 2021



News from Peru


Age of Consent


The age of sexual consent is 14 years, for both girls and boys. The national legislation does not provide for a close-in-age exemption.

Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Active and passive extraterritoriality is provided for crimes considered extraditable in Peru and as long as the offender is in Peruvian territory. Double criminality is required.

Extradition requires a minimum gravity of one year of imprisonment (therefore applying to all SEC-related crimes). Double criminality is required for extradition cases.

SECTT Legal Checklist Peru, 2020

CSAM Definition

Not Yet Assessed


Background Check Required


There are no mandatory legal provisions for criminal background checks nor legislation prohibiting convicted sex offenders to hold positions involving or facilitating contact with children.

SECTT Legal Checklist Peru, 2020

National Commitments

No Data

Peru has ratified the CRC, the OPSC, the OPIC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention No. 182.

Peru has also ratified the Council of Europe’s Budapest Convention.

It has not ratified the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics.

It is unclear whether it has ratified the Lanzarote Convention.

SECTT Legal Checklist Peru, 2020

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit

Not Yet Assessed

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism


Peru has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a binding requirement for industry operators.

SECTT Legal Checklist Peru, 2020

Public SEC Case Data

Not Yet Assessed