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In the Netherlands, Defence for Children Netherlands is part of two international networks: Defence for Children International and ECPAT International. Defence for Children Netherlands promotes the rights of the child in the Netherlands and worldwide, by providing information on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, investigating violations of these rights and protecting the collective and individual interests of children. Through our Children’s Rights Helpdesk, we provide legal support when children’s rights are (threatened to) be violated and we bring violations to the attention of the public and policymakers.

ECPAT Netherlands was established in 1995 as a coalition of NGOs and in 2003 merged into one organisation with the Dutch section of Defence for Children International. The organization conducts research into the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children, trains professionals and raises awareness through campaigns, e.g. calling upon travellers and tourists to report suspicions of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism at the Don’t Look Away – platform. For more information on the Don’t Look Away campaign, please visit:

Defence for Children – ECPAT Netherlands

Contact: Mirjam Blaak
Phone: +31 71 5160980
Address: Hooglandse Kerkgracht 17g 2312 HS Leiden


The Netherlands is a source, destination and transit country for children subjected to trafficking for sexual purposes. Domestic trafficking for sexual exploitation continues to be the most prevalent type of exploitation in the Netherlands. Offenders of domestic sexual exploitation are relatively young. Research by the National Rapporteur shows that a third is younger than 23 years at the time of committing the crime and that victims often cope with multiple problems simultaneously, including issues in the development phase during puberty, trauma, addiction, psychiatric issues, coping and attachment problems, sexual abuse and domestic violence.

Due to the good internet infrastructure, the Netherlands is one of the top countries from where online child sexual abuse is being hosted. According to the Internet Watch Foundation the Netherlands accounts for 41% of the global hosting of online child sexual abuse materials.


ECPAT International
Collective Action to End Child Sexual Exploitation in Europe Report

Year: 2024

ECPAT joins forces with DOT Europe, CCIA and 50+ tech trade associations and NGOs with a joint statement to the European Union

Year: 2024

ECPAT International, Eurochild, Terre Des Hommes Netherlands on behalf of the Down To Zero Alliance
Behind the Screens: Early Findings from the VOICE Research

Year: 2023

ECPAT International and NSPCC
ECPAT and NSPCC child online safety poll: Questionnaires

Year: 2023


News from Netherlands


Age of Consent


Age of sexual consent is 16 years. The national legislation provides for a close-in-age exception at the discretion of the prosecution.

Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Active extraterritoriality is provided for SEC related offences (articles 242-250 of the Dutch Penal Code) under article 7(2) of the Penal Code. Passive extraterritoriality is provided in Article 5(1) of the Penal Code for victims who are Dutch nationals or habitual residents but limited to offences punished with at least eight years of imprisonment under Dutch law, excluding many SEC related offences for which only a maximum amount of imprisonment is established. Double criminality is not required for active extraterritoriality for SEC related offences but it is required in all instance of passive extraterritoriality under articles 5(1) and 7(2) of the Dutch Penal code.

SEC related offences can be considered extraditable offences if they are punished with at least one year of imprisonment and fulfil the double criminality principle under article 5(1) of the Dutch Extradition Act. There is no minimum penalty for SEC related offences, all of them could be punished with less than one year of imprisonment and escape extradition.

SEC offences are referred to as extraditable under the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) framework within the EU without requiring double criminality if the act is punishable by a maximum period of at least three years of imprisonment in the requesting State.

Dutch Penal Code, Dutch Extradition Act, 1881 (status as of 2019), 1967 (status as of 2019)

CSAM Definition

Not Yet Assessed

Background Check Required

Not Yet Assessed

National Commitments

Not Yet Assessed

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit

Not Yet Assessed

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism

Not Yet Assessed

Public SEC Case Data

Not Yet Assessed