Network of NGOs Fighting against CSEC in Kyrgyzstan was established in 2006 and became affiliated to the ECPAT network in October 2007. The network includes 10 organisations (one state rehabilitation centre for street children, two private shelters for children and NGOs). At the national level the network and the lead organisation, El-Pikir Centre, coordinates research on CSEC in Kyrgyzstan; hosts the National Consultation, training session by ECPAT International for education of carers on rehabilitation of victims of CSEC; and implemented several small projects. The network in working on lobbying for better legislation to protect children, participate in the work of national groups on children rights and work directly with child victims of trafficking and prostitution.
Contact: Ms. Elvira Ilibezova
Phone: +996 312 341857, +996 700 659401, +996 557 128880
Address: Center of Public Opinion Study “El – Pikir” Kalyk Akieva st. #102 Bishkek, 720010
In 2015, it was reported that In Kyrgyzstan, 12.7% of women ages 20-49 years were married before 18.
The negative practice of bride-kidnapping is widespread in the country.
Kyrgyzstan is a source, transit and destination country for children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Reportedly, girls are trafficked in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, India, Russia and Kazakhstan.
Year: 2024
Year: 2012
Not Yet Assessed
Kyrgyz Criminal Code provides active extraterritoriality over offenses committed outside the Kyrgyz territory, if the offender is a citizen of Kazakhstan or a stateless person permanently residing in Kyrgyzstan. Habitual residents are not included. Double criminality is not required for proceeding with active extraterritorial jurisdiction over offenses committed outside the Kyrgyz territory by Kyrgyz nationals and stateless persons permanently residing in Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrgyz legislation does not provide for passive extraterritoriality over SEC related offenses committed outside the Kyrgyz territory.
Extraditable offences are those punishable by imprisonment for a term not less than one year in both Kyrgyzstan and the requesting State (double criminality) or, when extradition is requested to serve a sentence, the term should be of not less than six months. There is no specific provision on the extradition of SEC related offences. SEC related offences are punishable under the Kyrgyz Criminal Code with greater penalties than a year of imprisonment and therefore could be considered as extraditable offences. Kyrgyz nationals cannot be extradited.
Constitution, Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, 2010 (status as of 2021), 2017 (status as of 2021), 2021 (status as of 2023)
Not Yet Assessed
Not Yet Assessed
Not Yet Assessed
Not Yet Assessed
Not Yet Assessed
Not Yet Assessed
Not Yet Assessed