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News from Iran


Age of Consent

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Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Active and passive extraterritoriality is provided for all offences related to sexual exploitation of children committed by Iranian nationals abroad or by foreigners against Iranian nationals abroad, under Articles 7 and 8 of the Penal Code. Double criminality is required for active extraterritoriality under Article 7 but excluded in instances of passive extraterritoriality under Article 8 (since offences related to sexual exploitation of children are not punished by “ta’zir”.

General rules for extradition are contained in the Extradition Law of 1960 which establishes that extraditable offences are those punished with at least one year of imprisonment under Article 4. Double criminality is not required under the Extradition Law. Iranian nationals cannot be extradited under Article 8.1 of the Extradition Law.

Islamic Penal Code of Iran, Extradition Law, 1991 (status as of 2013), 1960

CSAM Definition

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Background Check Required

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National Commitments

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Child Advocacy Centers

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SEC Police Unit

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Protection Standards Travel and Tourism

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Public SEC Case Data

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