The Ghana NGOs Coalition on the Rights of the Child (GNCRC) is an umbrella organisation that provides an enhanced environment for the work of the network. The group aims to build the capacity of law enforcement to protect children from CSEC; build capacity of local youth groups in areas, including peer counselling, media relations and lobbying; raise awareness and provide training to groups on children and young people’s participation; and identify areas of regional collaboration.
Contact: Barima Akwasi Amankwaah
Phone: +233 21 768551
Address: P.O.Box C976, Cantonments, Accra
Increased development of Ghana’s tourism industry has made Ghana one of the most popular destination countries in Africa for the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism.
Ghana was the first country in the world to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and has continued to demonstrate its dedication to child rights through the ratification of many of the principal international treaties related to SEC.
Ghana has one of the highest child marriage rates in the world. On average, one out of four girls will be married before they reach 18 years of age.
Year: 2025
Year: 2014
Age of sexual consent is 16 years. The national legislation does not provide for a close-in-age exemption.
Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024
Ghanaian law does not provide for active or passive extraterritorial jurisdiction over SEC related offenses committed outside Ghana. Ghana courts can exercise universal jurisdiction over certain crimes when they are committed abroad, including “slave trade or traffic in slaves”, “traffic in women or children”, “traffic in obscene publications” or any other offence which is authorised or required by a convention or treaty to which the Republic is a signatory to be prosecuted and punished in Ghana (Article 56 (4) of the Courts Act).
There is no constitutional prohibition on the extradition of Ghanaian nationals to face a judicial process abroad. Extraditable offences are certain specified serious offences included in the Criminal Code and committed in Ghanaian jurisdiction as listed in the First Schedule of the Extradition Act, as well as any other offence punishable on indictment. SEC related offences are explicitly included as extraditable offences in the First Schedule of the Extradition Act.
Criminal Offences Act (Criminal Code), Courts Act, Extradition Act, 2012, 1993, 1960 (status as of 2020)
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