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Bolivia, Plurinational State of


Consorcio ECPAT Bolivia

Consorcio ECPAT Bolivia is formed by Pastoral de Movilidad Humana (PHM) and Fundación Munasim Kullakita (FMK), two of the leading non-governmental organisations in Bolivia working against commercial sexual exploitation of children. Besides their programmes on CSEC, they are broadly recognised in the country for being co-chairs of Mesa El Alto contra la Violencia Sexual Comercial, a coalition of governmental and non-governmental organisations that lobbied for the legal reforms in 2011 on CSEC and trafficking in persons, and has remained since then to coordinate actions nationwide on the issue. Their main areas of intervention on the topic are:

Fundación Munasim Kullakita

  • Assistance to CSEC Victims: identification, shelter and inter-disciplinary support in recovery and reintegration. Their programme includes assistance and follow-up once children have finished their process.
  • Prevention: Mainly in schools, intervention with teachers and caretakers.
  • Counselling in communities: Direct intervention in communities, offering counselling services to youth and families.
  • Advocacy and network strengthening: FMK is a well-recognised NGO, and has access to governmental entities (both national and in the provinces) to advocate successfully for reforms and actions on CSEC. This work includes providing technical support to other NGOs to ensure a broader impact of their advocacy actions.

Pastoral de Movilidad Humana

  • Assistance vulnerable communities, mainly within contexts of migration. The organisation includes a specific programme on CSEC and trafficking for sexual purposes. Provides shelter and inter-disciplinary assistance.
  • Repatriation and international support to victims.
  • Advocacy: currently, PMH represents the Civil Society of Bolivia before the ‘Pluri-National Council on Trafficking in Persons”, a public scenario for policy coordination on the issue.**Miembro Afiliado, Se unió a la Red ECPAT en el año 2016**


ECPAT International, Eurochild, Terre Des Hommes Netherlands on behalf of the Down To Zero Alliance
Behind the Screens: Early Findings from the VOICE Research

Year: 2023

ECPAT International and Fundación Munasim Kullakita
Bolivia Promising Practice: The role of the travel and transportation industry in preventing and addressing the sexual exploitation of children

Year: 2023

ECPAT International
Global Boys Initiative Case Study: Bolivia

Year: 2023

ECPAT International
Latin America – Summary of Recommendations: Legal Interventions in Latin America

Year: 2022

ECPAT International & Consorcio ECPAT Bolivia
Global Boys Initiative: Bolivia

Year: 2022

ECPAT International
Bolivia – Lista de verificación legal: intervenciones jurídicas claves en la protección de niños, niñas y adolescentes contra le explotación sexual en el contexto de viajes y turismo

Year: 2021



News from Bolivia, Plurinational State of


Age of Consent

Not Yet Assessed

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Extraterritoriality is provided for crimes committed abroad that produce their effects in Bolivia, crimes that Bolivia is committed to repress as per its international commitments as well as crimes committed by Bolivian nationals abroad (active extraterritoriality) as long as the offenders are back in Bolivian territory. Double criminality principle is not required.

There is no detailed information on extradition for SEC related crimes, which will depend on the international treaties and agreements ratified by Bolivia. Double criminality is required.

SECTT Legal Checklist Bolivia, 2020

CSAM Definition

Not Yet Assessed

Background Check Required


There are no mandatory legal provisions for criminal background checks nor legislation prohibiting convicted sex offenders to hold positions involving or facilitating contact with children.

SECTT Legal Checklist Bolivia, 2020

National Commitments


Bolivia has ratified the CRC, the OPSC, the OPIC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention No. 182.

Bolivia has not ratified the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics nor the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote and Budapest Conventions.

SECTT Legal Checklist Bolivia, 2020

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit

Not Yet Assessed

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism


There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.

SECTT Legal Checklist Bolivia, 2020

Public SEC Case Data

Not Yet Assessed