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Launch of ECPAT’s latest podcast episode on voluntourism 

Posted on Sep 27, 2022
What is #Voluntourism? And how can it put children at risk?  

We have all heard of people, even friends or acquaintances who have gone off for a few weeks to build a school, or taught English in far-flung places, very often with the good intentions to bring a positive change. 

This form of volunteer work is more commonly known as voluntourism—the merging of travel and voluntary work, as part of the products offered by the travel market. Despite the good intentions of travellers to bring about positive change to communities, it is often not well channelled. Besides overall concerns about the impact that such short-term trips by unskilled volunteers have on the welfare of children and the entire communities, some forms of voluntourism and “social trips” pose additional risks to the safety and protection of children. 

Our newest episode of Ending The Silence delves into the world of voluntourism, why it is harmful to children, and how it increases the risk of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Together with ECPAT member organisations from Sri Lanka and Indonesia, we examine the impacts and risks of unregulated tourism on children and share what needs to be done to protect children as part of responsible and sustainable tourism development. 


Listen to it now to learn more ⬇⬇⬇ 

Click here to listen to all of our episodes 


About ‘Ending the Silence’  

‘Ending the Silence’ is a podcast by ECPAT International, an organisation dedicated to ending the sexual exploitation of children. In the podcast, we explore what the key issues are, delve into global trends, and meet the experts, who are dedicating their lives to making the world a safer place for children. 


Learn more 

How voluntourism may facilitate the sexual exploitation of children. What can be done to protect children? 

The Code Voluntourism Policy  

How to make responsible travel choices volunteering with children