On 27 September 2016, to celebrate the World Tourism Day, ECPAT International and partners launched a Youth-Friendly Summary of the Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism. ECPAT International places young people at the heart of its actions and believes they can play a meaningful role as actors in combating sexual exploitation. The first step in empowering children and youth to become agents of change in ending SECTT is to build their knowledge on the issue. For this purpose, ECPAT has developed this Youth-Friendly Summary of the Global Study report. The publication “All Aboard! Stop Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism” targets young people between 14 to 22 years old and will be available in English, French, Spanish and Russian.
The Youth-Friendly Summary of the Global Study report includes information on the current situation of SECTT, as well as guiding information for young people on actions to be taken to stop SECTT. The real added value of this Youth-Friendly Summary – it was developed with the active involvement of children and youth themselves, and members of the EICYAC. 395 young people between 8 and 25 years old were consulted, including survivors, children at risk of sexual exploitation, and young activists from Bangladesh, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines and Thailand. They are the ones telling us how to tackle the SECTT problem. This unique publication was launched to further protect the world’s children in the boom of tourism and encourage them to join the fight to #EndSECTT.