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Transforming Tourism: The Berlin Declaration

Posted on Mar 24, 2017

On 3-6 March 2017, over 30 participants from civil society organisations from 19 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, including ECPAT Netherland, ECPAT Germany and Renacer/ECPAT Colombia, came together in Berlin to discuss the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development from a tourism critical civil society perspective. Together they developed the Berlin Declaration on Transforming Tourism (available in EnglishSpanishGerman and Portuguese). The declaration includes reflections on the 2030 Agenda, current trends in tourism and a number of recommendations for international bodies, governments and travellers. The declaration states that “transforming our world is not possible without transforming tourism. With this declaration we want not only to encourage further reflection and debate, but demand concrete activities and imperative actions.”

Developing a civil society declaration was one of the aims of the meeting. Another aim was to review and discuss the contributions and recommendations of the online-compendium Tourism in the Agenda 2030. The authors of this online-compendium have gathered and analysed empirical studies, academic research, case studies and own experiences to describe the connections between tourism and the 17 sustainable development goals. ECPAT Germany has contributed to the part on violence against children.

The Berlin Declaration on Transforming Tourism is now open for further endorsement by organisations and individuals. If you would like to endorse the declaration as an individual, please use the online form available on the Tourism Concern website. If you would like to endorse the declaration as an organisation, please email:

Visit the website for more information. And stay connected on social media, use #transformingtourism