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What Can You Do to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Online?

Protecting Children Online: Exploring the Tactic of Prevention

Read The Story

The online world is moving fast. In the last three decades, our lives have transformed beyond recognition. From days when we were connecting online from old-LAN computers and cell phones, we now find ourselves immersed in an uncontrolled digital revolution, with Artificial Intelligence and the realms of the Metaverse knocking at our screens.

Yet, as our digital world expands, so do its challenges. Beneath the wonders of the online world lies a darker reality, which contains new forms of dangers such as identity theft, data breaches, violence and discrimination. Worst among these harms, child sexual abuse and exploitation is increasing and evolving every year.

As the digital world hasn’t been designed with child safety in mind, we must do everything we can to patch up this flaw.

Take a Stand for Child Safety Online!

Child sexual abuse and exploitation is happening online, often out of our sight, but with real consequences for the children around us. To prevent harm, it is essential to comprehend the workings of the online world and implement measures that safeguard children from online sexual abuse—without resorting to a complete prohibition of internet access or other restrictive measures. It’s about knowing and using a range of methods and tools to both protect and empower children in their digital lives.  

Preventing harm online requires a mix of solutions, including being aware of the issue and its risks, ensuring professional training, listening openly to children’s experiences online, and using technological tools to protect children online. 

Scroll Down to Learn how to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Online!

With a focus on the tools to prevent child sexual abuse online, ECPAT calls on government officials, tech companies, professionals, and caregivers to unite and activate on this issue. How? The answers lie in becoming aware of the risks and manifestations of child sexual abuse online and learn which tools are available to fight this horrendous crime. It’s a collective responsibility to educate ourselves and act, ensuring children benefit from the internet and are protected from harm.  

It’s time to break the silence and protect children online. Together, we can create a digital landscape where children thrive in safety, free from the shadows that threaten their well-being.

Take Action Now and Learn How to Protect Children Online!

Understanding risks and instances of online child sexual exploitation and abuse in urban and rural settings

This brief is based on a secondary analysis of reports published in the context of the Disrupting Harm project conducted across 13 countries and focusing on the topic of online child sexual exploitation and abuse.

This secondary analysis highlighted a significant insight: despite conventional beliefs that link widespread urban connectivity with increased vulnerability to online child sexual exploitation and abuse, the Disrupting Harm research shows that children in rural areas are equally or even more vulnerable to these risks compared to their urban counterparts.

by ECPAT International in 2025

Available in: English

Addressing the need for comprehensive sexuality and relationships education to combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse

This brief is based on a secondary analysis of reports published in the context of the Disrupting Harm project conducted across 13 countries and focusing on the topic of online child sexual exploitation and abuse.

This secondary analysis highlighted a significant insight: a substantial number of children and caregivers lack awareness and understanding of online child sexual exploitation and abuse, which affects their ability to appropriately recognise and respond to such abuses.

by ECPAT International in 2025

Available in: English

Gender considerations in online child sexual exploitation and abuse: a focus on boys

This brief is based on a secondary analysis of reports published in the context of the Disrupting Harm project conducted across 13 countries and focusing on the topic of online child sexual exploitation and abuse.

This secondary analysis highlighted a significant insight: while gender does not determine the risk of such form of abuse and exploitation, gender norms and biases often hinder boys from recognising their victimisation and seeking assistance.


by ECPAT International in 2025

Available in: English

Girls & Young Women-Led Assessment on Online Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence in Africa

Authored by She Leads Girls and Young Women Advocates, this report bridges a critical gap in understanding the extent and impact of technology-facilitated gender-based violence and online sexual exploitation and abuse on girls and young women across the continent, particularly Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone and Uganda.

This document serves as a powerful tool for evidence-based advocacy, enabling girls, young women, and organizations led by them to assert their rights and demand safer digital spaces.

by She Leads Girls and Young Women in 2025

Available in: English

VOICE Child Friendly/Accessible Report

The VOICE Research Child Friendly/Accessible Report on Child Safety Online is a resource designed with and for children to ensure that vital information about child safety online is accessible to all children. Created with input from past and present members of the Eurochild Children’s Council, the report reflects the perspectives of children and young people on digital safety. It highlights key issues, challenges, and recommendations for creating safer online spaces, emphasizing the importance of informed and protected digital engagement for children worldwide.

Find the full report here & the executive summary here.

by ECPAT International, Eurochild, and Terre Des Hommes Netherlands in 2025

Available in: English

Protecting Children in Travel and Tourism Case Study: Phang Nga, Thailand

This publication is based on a documentation of practice undertaken by ECPAT International within the project “Together to End Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel & Tourism in Phang Nga”. It reflects the experiences documented throughout the implementation of the project that offers a model for building sustainable tourism destinations with child protection at the core.

by ECPAT International in 2025

Available in: English, Thai
