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Break Free to Fly

Raising awareness about human trafficking through virtual and augmented reality

Read The Story

In 2020, the UNODC Trafficking report estimated that globally, one in every three victims of human trafficking is a child.

While people may be trafficked for various purposes, trafficking for sexual exploitation is one of the most lucrative criminal enterprises in the world, estimated to be worth almost $99 billion a year.  

As part of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July 2022, ECPAT International has partnered with META, IJM, AIM, and A21 to launch Break Free to Fly. Using ground-breaking virtual reality and augmented reality filters, this digital campaign aims at raising awareness about human trafficking through the eyes of survivors. 

Hosted on Meta’s Instant Experiences, this immersive experience centres the unheard voices of survivors to take users on a journey. Users are taught how to spot the signs of trafficking, learn the reality of global trafficking numbers, and find out more about the organisations that are working to address this global issue.


What are some of the signs of human trafficking?
  1. Controlled by another and not able to keep their earnings
  2. Fearful, depressed, submissive, and/or signs of substance abuse
  3. Lack of identification and personal effects
  4. Bad health, bruises, or scars
  5. A lack of trust and feeling trapped
  6. False job offers that seem too good to be true
  7. Unfamiliar with the local language

We all have a part to play in ensuring that children are protected from human trafficking. 

If you have witnessed a suspected case of human trafficking, here is what you can do:

  1. Report signs of abuse through the global hotline on 1-888-373-7888
  2. Find a local anti-slavery or trafficking organization through The Global Modern Slavery Directory

Find out more about the ECPAT members that participated in the campaign:

APLE Cambodia 

APLE is a non-profit organisation working dedicatedly to combat the sexual abuse and exploitation of children by strengthening national social and legal systems for the protection of at-risk children.

Despite the challenges of Covid-19, APLE assisted law enforcement in investigating more than 230 cases of child sexual exploitation, leading to the rescue of 128 child victims. 


Based in Nepal, ChildSafeNet’s mission is to protect children and young people from online abuse and exploitation. Their work involves raising awareness on internet safety and promoting digital literacy through research, advocacy work, and capacity building programs. 

ECPAT Indonesia  

Since 2000, ECPAT Indonesia has worked to eliminate prostitution, pornography, and the trafficking of children for sexual purposes in Indonesia at national and regional levels.

The organisation aims to increase awareness, general concern, and critical perspectives on the commercial-sexual-exploitation of children. 

ECPAT Philippines 

Together with its youth arm, ECPAT Philippines has been mobilising and organising children in the communities, empowering them through awareness-raising activities and involvement in the advocacy on the rights of the child, specifically, the right to protection. 

ECPAT Taiwan 

With the vision to create a safe and friendly environment for children, ECPAT Taiwan offers professional services and rehabilitation programs to child survivors; actively advocates policy and legal reforms; increases child participation; raises awareness of child sexual exploitation and online safety.