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Stop Sex Traf­fick­ing of Chil­dren and Young Peo­ple campaign

Posted on Aug 10, 2012

The ground-breaking ‘Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People’ campaign in partnership with The Body Shop, led to one of the largest human rights petitions ever presented to the UN Human Rights Council with more than 7 million signatures collected worldwide. The campaign also received the praise of former US President Bill Clinton, as well as a number of senior UN representatives.

Through the passion, commitment and experience of ECPAT International and The Body Shop, children are better protected now from sex trafficking than when the campaign was launched in 2009.

The final campaign report, ‘Creating Change Through Partnership’ outlines the progress made, but also highlights what still needs to be done by governments to ensure a child-specific focus in implementing prevention, protection and care initiatives.

You can read the full report here: Creating Change Through Partnership 2012.