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Samoa Victim Support Group joins ECPAT

Posted on Sep 24, 2013

We are pleased to announce that the ECPAT Network has expanded to include an affiliate member in Samoa. The Samoa Victim Support Group (SVSG) was established in 2005 to address the absence of dedicated support and care for victims of domestic abuse and sexual crimes in Samoa, despite a documented increase in sexual crimes.

The vision of SVSG is to ensure that victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse are well-supported, safe and in control of restoring their lives. SVSG also seeks to protect and promote the rights of children, specifically the right to be free from abuse and believes that greater awareness of children’s rights provides civil society with the knowledge and tools to ensure these rights are upheld.

ECPAT International welcomes SVSG to the ECPAT Network as part of our efforts to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children globally.