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Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism launches a new tool for travel and tourism companies to identify human rights risks

Posted on Mar 7, 2019

The Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism has launched a new tool for the travel and tourism industry to begin embedding human rights into their practice and business activities. The tool provides specific step by step guidelines for travel, transportation, accommodation, food and beverage and activities industries to help them analyse risks and take action. The tool is aligned to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and  makes reference to already available standards, research and tools from key travel and tourism certification bodies, NGOs and UN bodies.

The Roundtable Human Rights was formed by eight members supported by TourCert and has now grown to 31 members from six countries. The Roundtable works to ensure that every travel and tourism operators understands its impact on human rights and that human rights are respected in all business activities and throughout the supply chain.

What is the tool?

The tool is a practice-oriented response to the needs of small and medium-sized tour operators to consistently recognize human rights risks and systematically take measures to respect human rights as part of their business activities.

Based on a value chain risk analysis, the tool provides easy access to companies to identify their business-related human rights risks. It also provides examples of real cases to make the topics more tangible. Moreover, the tool offers pragmatic guidance on how to define priority risks and measures, and refers users to best practices, templates, and further resources.

The tool refers specifically to Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism and The Code as key resource for addressing child sexual exploitation in conducting a supply chain risk analysis and in developing policies and procedures.

Ending the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism requires sector collaboration and a multi-stakeholder approach  that this tool proposes being also a positive example of what sector collaboration can achieve.

Find out more about the tool here.

Read the Global Study here.