Restarting travel and tourism in Asia with child protection in focus (15 July 2020)
In this webinar, partners representing the Down to Zero Alliance, governments, and the travel & tourism sector in the region took stock of the key challenges, including implications of the pandemic, versus progress made up to date in respect to child protection; to commit, through a joint statement calling for the travel and tourism recovery phase to keep child protection as a primary consideration.
Currently, the Down to Zero Alliance aims to put a stop to this crime in ten countries in Asia and Latin America. The Alliance is a collaboration between Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Defence for Children-ECPAT, ECPAT International, Free a Girl, ICCO and Plan Netherlands, with the support from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
All the participants of the webinar were invited to provide their contribution during a Q&A session and through a survey. The joint statement will be published following the second regional webinar scheduled on 4 August 2020 in Latin America.
The recording from the regional webinar in Asia is available here: