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Behind the Screens: Early Findings from the VOICE Research

by ECPAT International, Eurochild, Terre Des Hommes Netherlands on behalf of the Down To Zero Alliance in 2023

The VOICE project is a collaboration between three child rights organisations towards a common goal to strengthen children’s digital rights and online safety: ECPAT International, Eurochild, and Terre des Hommes Netherlands on behalf of the Down to Zero Alliance. It aims to listen to the views of children and caregivers and share their insights and opinions about online child safety to inform policy at the national and EU level, as well as globally.

This insights brief offers a preview of the valuable perspectives of parents and caregivers on online safety, along with some initial reflections from children. It’s important to note that the insights presented are preliminary, as the children’s perspectives from all participating countries have not been fully collected and analyzed at this stage. By exploring the nuanced aspects of children’s online safety, we’re setting the stage for meaningful discussions, paving the way for the in-depth report to be presented in March 2024.

Available in: English
