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Sexual Exploitation of Children in Humanitarian Contexts: Global Research

by ECPAT International in 2024

To gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics and manifestations of child sexual exploitation in humanitarian settings, ECPAT International commissioned this global and multi-country research study. Three country contexts have been selected as case studies to further understand these dynamics: (1) Ethiopia and the internally displaced population from northern Ethiopia; (2) Kenya and the refugee communities in Nairobi and Kakuma Refugee Camp; and (3) the Kurdistan region of Iraq and the internally displaced people and refugee communities.

This global multi-country study explores the various definitions and manifestations of child sexual exploitation identified in the three case studies, the common perceptions, narratives, biases, norms and beliefs associated with child sexual exploitation in the context of a crisis; the current framings and understanding of sexual exploitation of children in the humanitarian sector; and the way that humanitarian aid systems, actors, and structures may impact the identification, response, access to services and prevention of child sexual exploitation.

Available in: English
