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Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism: Sub-Saharan Africa

by ECPAT International in 2016

This regional report has been prepared as a contribution to the Global Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism conducted by ECPAT International in collaboration with numerous partners. In response to the need for more information on the extent and nature of this phenomenon, ECPAT, ACPF, ANPPCAN (Kenya), FTT (South Africa), Childline (South Africa), FSCE (Ethiopia), GNCRC (Ghana) and CHIN (Zambia) agreed to undertake research in five Sub-Saharan countries.

The purpose of the research was to strengthen the evidence-base and to raise awareness and build consensus on priority actions needed in law and policy reform. While research was conducted in five countries, due to delays at the national level in Ethiopia, the findings from four countries are presented in this report.

Available in: English
