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Declaration and Call for Action for the Protection of Children in Travel and Tourism – International Summit Bogota

in 2018

In June 2018, the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in cooperation with the Tourism Authority of the Capital District of Bogota (IDT), the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Colombian Child Protection Authority (ICBF) and ECPAT Colombia – Fundación Renacer and with the participation of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) organized the first International Summit on Child Protection in Travel and Tourism. The Summit brought together over 500 participants and resulted in a strong commitment to ensure the protection of children in travel and tourism and to end the impunity of travelling child sex offenders.

The Call for Action from the Summit built strategic and synergistic alliances as part of an ongoing process of promoting and ensuring child protection in travel and tourism. It called upon all key stakeholders to adopt a comprehensive, child rights-centered and multi-stakeholder framework where all actors actively work together to end impunity of the travelling child sex offenders through:

• Strong and sustainable evidence-based awareness
• Proactive, comprehensive, context-specific and sustainable prevention
• Strong and effective legal frameworks
• Access to child and gender-sensitive justice, protection, comprehensive care, and full recovery.