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Protection and Care of Trafficked and Sexually Exploited Roma Children and Youth

Posted on May 14, 2013

Last week, the Executive Director of ECPAT International participated in a training seminar in Ankara, Turkey organised by ENYA and the Turkish Network against CSEC. The event, Protection and Care of Trafficked and Sexually Exploited Roma Children and Youth was attended by twenty representatives from the ECPAT network, including the Central Europe and CIS Representative to the ECPAT Board and the CIS Regional Associate. Other participants included representatives from NGO’s specialising in Roma Issues from ten different countries.

The seminar focused on the common mission of working towards the end of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of Roma children. Goals of the seminar included motivating and empowering participants and young people to design and implement national and local projects to end the commercial sexual exploitation of Roma children.

Photo: Seminar participants showing off their new slogan “Be Positive!” with the Executive Director of ECPAT International.