Public Opinion is Clear: Urgent Legislation Required to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation! Read the story

Global Progress Towards Ending the Sexual Exploitation of Children

A global problem requires truly global solutions to address the sexual exploitation of children.

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Antigua and Barbuda
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Argentina has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Yes
Bhutan has put in place a mandatory legal requirement for all tour operators to implement a policy against commercial exploitation, including SEC.
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Brazil has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Burkina Faso
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place but some special laws could be applicable in this regard.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
Bill C-262 – An Act respecting the responsibility of business enterprises to prevent, consider and remedy adverse human rights impacts arising from their business activities abroad – was introduced and given first reading on 29 March 2022 in the House of Commons. The Act aims at establishing due diligence obligations on companies to identify, assess and reduce actual and potential adverse impacts on human rights resulting from their activities (which includes the rights recognised in the Convention on the Rights of the Child). There is a Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise in charge of reviewing complaints about human rights abuses abroad by Canadian companies but only for the sectors of garment, mining, and oil and gas sectors.
Cape Verde
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Central African Republic
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Chile has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Yes
Colombia has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Congo, Republic of the
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Costa Rica
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Costa Rica has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Côte d’Ivoire
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Czech Republic
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Dominican Republic
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
El Salvador
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Equatorial Guinea
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Yes
The Gambia has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
The national primary legislation does not have any binding requirements for travel and tourism business. Section 2 § 3 of Tthe Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (Act on due diligence along the supply chain) includes child protectionestablishes due diligence obligations to minimise or prevent human rights risks (which includes child labour, forced labour, trafficking, prostitution, and child sexual exploitation material according to Section 1 § 2)as a criteria. But since it is only mandatory for three four tourism companies the effect on the realization of children rights is low. Besides there are different working groups, campaigns and voluntary commitment of companies to improve child protection in travel and tourism.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Guatemala has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
Guyana just started the process to develop a national code for child protection for the tourism industry.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Honduras has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
No regulation binding or non-binding establishing SEC protection standards on travel and tourism at all either in law or in soft law.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
India has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place but some special laws could be applicable in this regard.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place but some special laws could be applicable in this regard.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Madagascar has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Marshall Islands
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Mexico has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a non-binding requirement for industry operators.
Micronesia, Federated States of
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Moldova, Republic of
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
New Zealand
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Yes
Nicaragua has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
North Korea
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
North Macedonia, Republic of
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Virke, a company that organises and represents over 24,000 businesses, has published industry-specific standards – the Virke Guidelines for Good Membership Practice – including a recommendation to follow the UNWTO Code of Ethics (which refers directly to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and contains recommendations on preventing the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism).
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Palestine, State of
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Papua New Guinea
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Yes
Peru has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Partial
Philippines has partially established obligatory child protection standards for the tourism industry
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Russian Federation
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Saint Lucia
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
San Marino
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Sao Tome and Principe
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Saudi Arabia
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Sierra Leone
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Solomon Islands
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
South Africa
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
South Korea
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
South Sudan
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Sri Lanka
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Tanzania, United Republic of
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Trinidad and Tobago
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No Data
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
United Arab Emirates
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
United Kingdom
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
United States
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Yes
Uruguay has implemented a national code for child protection in travel and tourism as a binding requirement for industry operators.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Vatican City
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Viet Nam
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism No
There are no child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry in place.
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
Protection Standards Travel and Tourism Not Yet Assessed
No Data
Not yet Assessed

Since our inception in the 1990s, the global ECPAT network has played a fundamental role in monitoring the actions taken by countries around the world towards ending the sexual exploitation of children.

We commend progress where we see it, and prioritise our advocacy and lobbying where we see inertia. The ECPAT Global Progress Indicators are carefully defined, measurable aspects of any national response towards protecting children.

They provide practical guidance for prevention and responses of the sexual exploitation of children.

A detailed rationale for each indicator as well as a brief description of how assessment was made for each country can be found below. We encourage you to reach out and contact us should movement have been seen in your country so we can update assessments and highlight country progress.

Extraterritoriality and Extradition Provisions Allow for Effective Prosecution of Sexual Exploitation of Children

The country has appropriate extraterritoriality and extradition provisions for sexual exploitation of children crimes.

Yes The national legislation explicitly provides for both active [1] and passive [2] extraterritoriality for all offences of sexual exploitation of children covered by the legislation of the concerned State. Extradition is possible for SEC offences. The principle of double criminality does not apply to SEC offences for both extraterritoriality and extradition provisions.

[1] jurisdiction over offences committed by a State’s nationals, even with respect to events occurring entirely abroad
[2] jurisdiction over offences committed against a State’s nationals by whomsoever committed, even with respect to events occurring entirely abroad

Partially The applicability of (passive and active) extraterritoriality and extradition provisions are limited in their scope. For example, extraterritoriality is applicable only for certain of the offences related to sexual exploitation of children or does not cover perpetrators having their habitual residence); or the provisions are applicable but depending on certain conditions (e.g. passive jurisdiction but the offender must be found on the State’s territory).
The principle of double criminality does not apply to either or both extraterritoriality and extradition provisions.

No The principle of double criminality applies to either extraterritoriality and extradition provisions for SEC offences.
Extraterritoriality provisions – both in terms of active or passive jurisdiction – do not apply to any offences related to sexual exploitation of children. Extradition is not permitted for offences related to sexual exploitation of children.

Legal Definitions of ‘Child Sexual Abuse Material’ are Appropriate

The definition of child sexual abuse material is in line with international standards.

Yes The national legislation includes a definition of child sexual abuse materials which meets all the criteria listed above.

Partially The national legislation defines child sexual abuse materials in line with Article 2 (c) of the OPSC but the three additional criteria listed above are not met. The principle of double criminality does not apply to either or both extraterritoriality and extradition provisions.

No The national legislation is not in line with Article 2 (c) of the OPSC. For example, no definition is provided and/or legislation only refers to generic material of “obscene nature/immoral”.

Strict Implementation of Criminal Background Checks

Criminal background checks are strict requirements for national and non-nationals working in direct contact with children.

Yes The national legislation includes provisions which mandate that the criminal background is checked for every national or non-national applying for work with or for children or who is currently working with or for children, including staff, consultants and volunteers. The national legislation may also prohibit convicted sex offenders to hold positions in both public and private settings involving or facilitating direct contact with children.

Partially The national subsidiary legislation includes non-mandatory provisions for the criminal background checks, or they are limited in scope for example only for nationals or non-nationals; or only for staff (not including consultants of volunteers) or only in public or private settings. The national legislation may also prohibit convicted sex offenders to hold positions in both public and private settings involving or facilitating direct contact with children.

No The national – primary or subsidiary – legislation/policies do not include provisions which mandate nor include non-mandatory provisions for criminal background checks. Convicted sex offenders are not prohibited to hold positions involving or facilitating direct contract with children.

International and Regional Commitments Related to Sexual Exploitation of Children

National commitments made to regional and international conventions relevant to addressing sexual exploitation of children.

Yes The country has ratified all legal instruments listed above (including the two Council of Europe’s conventions and the African Union’s conventions for Member States of the African Union).

Partially The country has ratified the CRC, the OPSC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention No. 182.

No The country has not ratified one or more instruments among the CRC, the OPSC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention.

Operational Child Advocacy Centres

At least one Child Advocacy Centre has been established and is functioning in the country.

Yes At least one Child Advocacy Centre exists and functions in the country.

Partially The establishment of a Child Advocacy Centre is underway; OR
Existing Child Advocacy Centres are not currently functioning.

No There is no Child Advocacy Centre in the country.

National Police Units that Include Sexual Exploitation of Children in Their Mandate Exist and Function Effectively

Existence of dedicated national police units that include sexual exploitation of children crimes in their mandate within both national and extraterritorial jurisdictions.

Yes National police units that include sexual exploitation of children in their mandate exist and function effectively. Dedicated allocation of budget is made. Both offences under national and extra-territorial jurisdictions are able to be addressed by these units.

Partially National law enforcement units that include sexual exploitation of children in their mandate exist but may not be fully functional. In addition:
– Either national or extra-territorial jurisdiction is covered by these units, but not both; OR
– It is unclear whether these units address both offences under national and extra-territorial jurisdictions.

No The country does not have national law enforcement units that specifically include sexual exploitation of children in their mandate.

Binding Requirements for Travel and Tourism Businesses Encompassing Child Protection from Sexual Exploitation

Existence of child protection standards for the travel and tourism industry.

Yes The national primary legislation includes binding requirements for travel and tourism businesses encompassing child protection from sexual exploitation. These can include industry-specific standards based on compliance with national codes for child protection or sustainability standards and certification mechanisms that include child protection, as a legal requirement for private travel and tourism businesses to operate in the country.

Partially The national subsidiary legislation/policies include industry specific non-binding requirements for travel and tourism businesses encompassing child protection from sexual exploitation. These can include industry specific standards based on voluntary compliance with national codes for child protection or sustainability standards and certification mechanisms that include child protection, including as members of The Code of Conduct for child protection in the context of travel and tourism (the Code).

No The country does not have national legislation nor subsidiary legislation/policies nor codes regulating child protection from sexual exploitation by travel and tourism businesses.

National Data Encompassing Information Regarding Child Sexual Exploitation Cases Made Available to the Public.

National data sets made public by government about sexual exploitation of children include information about reported cases, prosecuted cases and compensation sought by victims.

Yes National level data about reported, prosecuted cases of SEC, and compensation sought by victims is regularly made publicly available This data is disaggregated into categories for age, gender, nationality, types of abuse/exploitation and victim/offender.

Partially National level data about reported, prosecuted cases of SEC, and compensation sought by victims is publicly available, but no clear commitment to do so regularly, and not clearly disaggregated into categories for age, gender, nationality, types of abuse/exploitation and victim/offender.

No National level data about reported, prosecuted cases of SEC, and compensation sought by victims is not publicly available.