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Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: A Review of Norwegian Case Law

Posted on May 25, 2021

Norwegian offenders in the media spotlight

In recent years, matters related to the sexual exploitation and abuse of children online by Norwegian offenders have been brought to the attention of the public through intense media coverage. Never before has it been so easy for offenders to come into contact with children over the internet. At the same time, police, policy makers,  and legal practitioners are struggling to keep up with technological developments within this area.

A dramatic rise in reports of online child sexual abuse

The past few years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of reported cases of various forms of online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA) related offences perpetrated within Norway. This increase seems to be due to many factors such as increased access and use of the internet by both offenders and victims; increased public awareness and therefore increased willingness to report suspected cases of abuse; changes in legislation; police operations around the country that are able to uncover large numbers of cases of abuse. Due to the recognition of OCSEA as a growing social problem, significant efforts made by legislators, police and academia have shed much needed light on these issues.

A new report by ECPAT Norway 

This report aims to address the need to work across borders to identify good examples of progressive legislation on OCSEA, innovative legal practice, and jurisprudence within this area. This report, therefore, aims to shed light on adjudication and legal practices that may be of interest to partners in other countries.

Click here to read the Executive Summary from ECPAT Norway
Click here to read the Full Report from ECPAT Norway