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ECPAT Mourns: Jean-Marie Joly  

Posted on Apr 5, 2023

Bangkok, 5 April 2023


It is with deep sorrow that ECPAT International and its network learn about the passing of General Secretary of ECPAT France, Jean-Marie Joly. He was a remarkable man, advocate, and friend. Jean-Marie passed away on 31 March 2023, leaving behind his beloved daughters, granddaughters, and relatives. Our thoughts and sympathies are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time.

Jean-Marie was a remarkable man who embodied the values of ECPAT International. He was committed to fighting for the rights of children and believed that everyone had a role to play in making the world a better place. His dedication to this cause was unparalleled, and he never hesitated to mobilize his network of colleagues, partners, and friends to make a difference. His commitment to serving others knew no bounds, and he never hesitated to rally friends, family, partners, and colleagues to help those in need.

In the early days of ECPAT, Jean-Marie worked closely with Ron and Alison O’Grady, involving his entire network, to launch the first ECPAT campaigns. His close friendship with Ron and Alison continued ever since. His commitment to the cause was unwavering, and the creation of ECPAT France in 1997, and later founding ECPAT Luxembourg, was testament to his dedication. Since, Jean-Marie has always remained a strong supporter of the ECPAT movement, and gave admirable efforts in support to the network and the Secretariat.

We at ECPAT International Secretariat will never forget the tireless efforts of our dear friend and colleague. He was instrumental in the funding of two international assemblies and played a vital role in the success of a range of network wide initiatives. His passing leaves a void that will be difficult to fill.

The funeral of Jean-Marie Joly will take place on Wednesday, 5th April 2023, at 3 pm in the church of Mortefontaine (60). We invite the ECPAT membership to observe a minute’s silence or to keep him in their thoughts, wherever they may be.

Jean-Marie, thank you for everything. Your legacy and unwavering commitment to the fight for justice will continue to inspire and guide us in the years to come.
Guillaume Landry

Executive Director, ECPAT International Secretariat