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ECPAT Releases New CMRs for Latin America

Posted on Dec 11, 2014

On December 11th during the XXI Pan-American Congress of the Organisation of American States (OAS) in Brasilia, ECPAT International and the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN), a specialised body of the OAS, will call public attention to the gravity of the situation of CSEC in the region and to the fact that it has not been adequately addressed by the majority of OAS Member States.

To support its call for action, ECPAT International is releasing ten Country Monitoring Reports (CMRs) on December 11th focused on various Latin American countries as well as a Regional Overview on the situation of CSEC throughout Latin America. The Country Monitoring Reports have been produced for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay (with the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua to be released in the near future). These publications provide a comprehensive baseline of information, as well as an assessment of achievements, challenges and priority actions necessary to assist in the formulation of a successful strategic framework.

Such eminent persons as Commissioner Rosa María Ortíz, Rapporteur for Children at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; Ms Angelica Goulart, President of the Pan-American Congress; and Ms Junita Upadhyay, Deputy Executive Director of ECPAT International, and experts from ECPAT Member Organisations, Ms Tiana Santo-Sé (Brazil), Ms Milena Grillo Rivera (Costa Rica), Mr Fernando Viveros (Mexico) and Mr Nelson Rivera (Colombia) will comment on the reports and future strategy for combating CSEC in the region.

ECPAT International is a global network of expert individuals and organisations working to end all forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and the trafficking of children for sexual purposes. The OAS Inter-American Children’s Institute has a strategic alliance with ECPAT International to join efforts and knowledge in order to support States and civil society organisations in the creation and implementation of effective legislative, policy and programmatic actions that ultimately help to end CSEC in the region.


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Fabio Gonzalez Florez

ECPAT Regional Coordinator for Latin America
