On 12-13 July 2017, UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) hosted a Transition Meeting on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) in Madrid, Spain. The meeting, which brought leaders from key partner agencies involved in the Global Study together, was co-hosted by UNICEF, The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, and ECPAT International, in consultation with the High-Level Taskforce on the Global Study.
The launch of the Global Study in May 2016 was the culmination of two years of efforts of partners all over the world from law enforcement, the private sector, civil society, INGOs, the UN, academia, regional mechanisms and governments. The process involved nine regional reports, 15 national studies, 42 expert papers and documentation from ten consultations with children and youth, including victims of sexual exploitation, and nine regional stakeholder consultations. A child and youth version of the Study was also produced.
The focus has now shifted to implementation of the Study’s recommendations, which will contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets 8.9 and 12b, which call for sustainable tourism development, and targets 5.2, 8.7, and 16.2, that aim to end to child sexual exploitation. The Transition Meeting will consider linkages and build on existing initiatives and mechanisms to support systematic implementation of the recommendations that are directed at four key constituencies: (i) governments, (ii) the United Nations and international and regional entities, including law enforcement (iii) the private sector and (iv) civil society organisations.
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Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism
See the main findings here.
Executive Summaries of the Global Study in English, French and Spanish