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LINEA Webinar: Offenders on the Move – A Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism

Posted on Jul 2, 2016

On 12 May 2016 the Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism report was launched after two years of research, resulting in the largest information bank ever collected on the issue. A unique research endeavour, the Global Study was able to engage 67 partners from different sectors, including UN agencies, government agencies, NGOs and companies. Its findings have made headlines around the world.

During a webinar on 22 June 2016, Mark Capaldi and Dorine van der Keur shared the methods for the study and highlighted findings on the social factors contributing to the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism worldwide. They also pointed out gaps in knowledge and made recommendations for future research.


Dr Mark Capaldi, Head of Research and Policy at ECPAT International, has a PhD in International Human Rights and Peace Studies. Dr Capaldi has worked on issues such as street children and working children, children in conflict with the law, violence and abuse against children, child migrants, and for the last ten years, on the sexual exploitation of children. Much of this work has been in South and East Asia, where he has lived for over 20 years and where he has worked with Concern Worldwide, PACT Inc., Save the Children UK and currently with ECPAT International. Dr Capaldi provides support and coordination for all ECPAT International’s research globally.

Dorine van der Keur coordinated the Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism. Dorine is a lawyer with two Masters in Law. She worked for 9 years with the biggest law firm of The Netherlands. Since 2002, Dorine has been working in the development world to improve access to justice for the poor and vulnerable, working with a wide array of organisations including Legal Aid of Cambodia, UNDP Cambodia and Helvetas Tajikistan. Her work includes project management, research, trainings and evaluations with an emphasis on child’s rights, land rights and women’s rights.


Linea webinar 9: A Global Study on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel & Tourism