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Launch of the Global Study in Indonesia

Posted on Nov 22, 2016

On 21-22 November, ECPAT Indonesia in collaboration with ECPAT International, organised a National Conference at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta. The theme of the conference was: A Reflection of 25 Years After Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in Indonesia. The conference was opened by Mrs. Rahayu Saraswati, who is a child rights champion in the Indonesian Parliament. Additionally, ECPAT Indonesia facilitated a number of youth participation events and organised various thematic sessions. ECPAT International was invited to launch the Global Study on Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism. This session was chaired by Ahmad Sofian, National Coordinator, ECPAT Indonesia. Thomas Muller, Deputy Executive Director of ECPAT International shared the panel with a representative of the Directorate General for Tourism Destination Development in Indonesia and with Ms. Dotty Lilipali, from the Indonesia Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI). As a highlight, both publicly signed off to the poster of the Global Study committing themselves to implement its recommendations across their organisations.