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Help Support ECPAT Members in Nepal

Posted on May 11, 2015

To our colleagues at ECPAT in Nepal, CWIN, Maiti Nepal, Shakti Samuha and ECPAT Luxembourg in Nepal,

On behalf of ECPAT’s global network, our thoughts are with you during this time. We express our concern and condolences to all those in our Network who have ties to this region.

UNICEF has reported at least 940,000 children living in areas severely affected by Saturday's earthquake in Nepal are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.  The 7.9 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks, caused destruction across the country, including more than thousands of fatalities and widespread building damage.

To the ECPAT Network, if you would like to contribute to the relief effort please consider supporting one of our partners in Nepal through the following links:


UPDATE (29 04 2015): We have heard from CWIN and they are raising funds and have been in touch with their partners for possible relocation of funds from its ongoing projects or for fresh funds to be channeled.

You can transfer donations to CWIN at: 

For donations to CWIN/Child Helpline Nepal:
Bank Account Number
0110013614501 CWIN
Nabil bank
Swift code NARB NP KA

Maiti Nepal
Maiti Nepal has set up an Emergency Relief Fund specially to support the women and children affected by the earth quake. We request all our friends and supporters to support us in raising funds and equipments such as tents, blankets, clothes. We are going to utilize our premises located at Kathmandu and all of Maiti's branches as to provide safe shelter to mostly women and children affected by the quake. Therefore, we humbly request all our friends and well wishers to join hands at this terrible hours. Please follow the below attached image for the banking details.#MaitiReliefFund — at Maiti Nepal.

UPDATE (30 04 2015). Maiti Nepal has supplied us with a list of items that they require for earthquake relief. I have attached the list below.

List of Requirement for the Earthquake Relief-2.doc
Shakti Samuha