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GARA launches a regional campaign to reaffirm their commitment to child protection

Posted on May 13, 2020

In the travel and tourism sector, service providers are another pair of eyes to protect children. The Regional Action Group of the Americas (GARA) promotes actions that protect children’s rights, so they can live and stay safe in tourism destinations. In this very particular time, as part of the travel and tourism sector, GARA members reaffirm their commitment to combat the sexual exploitation of children #GARA #16PaísesEnMovimiento

The Regional Action Group of the Americas (GARA – Grupo de Acción Regional de las Américas) enhances cooperation and coordination efforts in the region, focusing on raising awareness and delivering trainings to prevent the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism.  It is currently composed of 16 Ministries, Institutes, and Secretariats of Tourism. The Inter-American Children´s Institute (IIN) – the Specialized Organization of the Organization of American States (OAS) on children and adolescents and ECPAT International have observer status with GARA.

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