Join our call for Timeless Justice! Sign our petition to end statutes of limitations for sexual crimes against children. Sign Now

SIGN THE PETITION – Abuse Doesn’t Stop Just Because We Stop Looking For It

Posted on Nov 20, 2020

On December 21, 2020, an e-Privacy law in the European Union will make it illegal for tech companies to use technology to detect online child sexual abuse and exploitation material unless an “interim regulation” is approved by the Parliament. This exception to the law could prevent a global catastrophe by allowing tech companies to continue to use the tools needed to protect and rescue children. Now we need you to raise your concerns with the Members of Parliaments, to urge them to find a solution that puts child safety first.

Sign the petition!

Child sexual abuse and exploitation material is evidence of a serious crime committed to a child. On top of the harm done by the original abusive acts, the child suffers a gross violation of their right to privacy and their right to human dignity when this material is being shared online. And even though we believe that everyone is entitled to privacy, child victims and survivors depicted in this illegal imagery should be given the highest priority.

What’s worse – facing this uncomfortable reality – or knowing that this horrific abuse is happening but never hearing about it at all?


ECPAT - resources The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Statement
The victims’ voices must be heard – A letter to the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament (signed by ECPAT International and members)