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ECPAT joins the world in mourning Nelson Mandela

Posted on Dec 6, 2013

ECPAT International mourns, along with the global community, the passing of Nelson Mandela, former South African president. An inspiration to many, Mandela was a champion for children and a respected ally in our fight against the commercial sexual exploitation of children. 

“Commercial and other forms of sexual exploitation, is one of the most disturbing forms of child abuse. It is not limited by race, ethnicity or economic boundaries,” said Mandela in an address to the 1996 World Congress against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, co-organised by ECPAT.  

ECPAT International sends our deepest condolences to his wife Graça Machel, his family and his nation. Mandela’s legacy will not be forgotten and his inspirational work will help propel us forward as we continue to fight for children everywhere to be free from commercial sexual exploitation. 

“The cries of our abused and exploited children must no longer fall on deaf ears or closed minds.” – Nelson Mandela