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ECPAT Germany mourns its CEO Ute Becker

Posted on Jun 26, 2020

It is with great sadness that ECPAT Germany has to inform you about the passing of Ute Becker in a tragic bicycle accident on Monday 22 June 2020. Ute, who was only 50 years old, just joined our team in January this year as the new CEO. With Ute, ECPAT Germany and the entire network loses a courageous advocate who dedicated her entire professional life to the protection of women and children rights, both in Germany and aboard. Ute joined ECPAT Germany with great excitement, professionalism and energy and had many plans for the organisation. We would have liked to follow this path with her for so much longer. Her sudden death has shaken us deeply. Our thoughts are with her family and friends.

The ECPAT German team