Lawyers will give oral argument in the US Supreme Court at 10am (EST) today, arguing for the rights of victims of online child pornography to claim compensation from those who download their images.
In November 2013 ECPAT International and ECPAT USA filed an amicus brief in support of child pornography victims in the US Supreme Court case, Paroline v United States, arguing that anyone who downloads or views child pornography online causes harm to the child victim and should therefore pay compensation. This is a ground breaking case in the US and has the potential to set a legal precedent in favor of child victims of online pornography in a country which accounts for a large percentage of the demand side of the online child pornography industry. Previously, consumers of online child pornography have been able to operate without fear of having to pay damages to the victim. A favorable US Supreme Court decision would not only provide child victims with a definitive right to compensation from anyone who downloads their child abuse materials online, but it would also act as a strong deterrent which could significantly reduce the demand for online child abuse materials.
ECPAT sends support and best wishes from the whole network to James Marsh Law firm who are the lawyers for the victims in this case.