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The Coalition was created on the 11th November 2010 to bring together different child rights focused organisations for the purpose of networking and alliance building with a mandate to advocate on child rights related issues, assess and report on the implementation of child related treaties and conventions especially the United Nations Child Rights Convention (CRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Wetfare of the Child (ACRWC).

The Coalition also aims at undertaking advocacy around the implementation of the aforementioned child rights instruments in order to improve the situation of the rights of a child in Rwanda. coalition structure, and having no legal recognition, the Coalition was initially hosted by HAGURUKA (2010-2013) and CLADHO (2013-15 October 2017). lt got its registration certificate in December 2016 and is now undertaking a transition process to move from the hosting Organisation and work more independently.

Since its creation, the Coalition has received both technical and financial support from Save the Children and Plan International directly or through the host organisation. CUI has developed and submitted alternative reports to the UNCRC, ACRWC and UPR while at the same time supporting related advocacy initiatives in the country.

Coalition Umwana Ku Isonga

Contact: Ruzigana Maximilien
Phone: .+250788319614
Address: Plot No 228, Remera Gasabo District, Kigali City P.O. Box 6549, Kigali


Age of Consent


Age of sexual consent is 18 years with a close-in-age exemption if two children aged above 14 and below 18 engage in sex-related acts without the presence of violence or threats.

DH Legal Analysis Rwanda, 2020

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Active and passive extraterritoriality is provided for all crime. Double criminality is required. Additionally, universal jurisdiction is provided for cybercrimes under the Cybercrime Law.

Extradition is provided only for felonies (not for misdemeanours) and requires double criminality. Rwandan nationals cannot be extradited.

DH Legal Analysis Rwanda, 2020

CSAM Definition


The national legislation does not provide a specific definition of CSAM.

DH Legal Analysis Rwanda, 2020

Background Check Required

Not Yet Assessed

National Commitments


Rwanda has ratified the CRC, the OPSC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention No. 182.

Rwanda has also ratified the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and the AU Convention on Cyber Security.

Rwanda has not ratified the OPIC, the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics nor the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote and Budapest Conventions.

DH Legal Analysis Rwanda, 2020

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit

Not Yet Assessed

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism

Not Yet Assessed

Public SEC Case Data


Data on SEC cases is not publicly available.

DH Desk-based research Rwanda, 2020