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Salvati Copiii/Save the Children Romania, an ECPAT affiliate group, was established in 1990 and aims to promote the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) by creating programmes focusing on different issues the Romanian child is facing today.

Save the Children Romania (Salvati Copiii)

Contact: Ms. Gabriela Alexandrescu
Phone: +40 21 3166176 (switchboard)
Address: Intrarea Stefan Furtuna, no 3, District 1, 010899, Bucharest


In June 2016, the European Court of Human Rights recalled Romanian positive obligations under both Articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights “to apply effectively a criminal-law system punishing all forms of rape and sexual abuse against children.”

From August 2015 to May 2016, the Child Hotline Association and the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons launched a project called “Increasing the capacity of the education system in the field of prevention of trafficking in human beings”.

In 2015, Romanian public officials and NGOs identified 316 child victims of trafficking, of which 54% were trafficked for sexual purposes.

Between 2011 and 2014, 78% of the children victims of trafficking in Romania were trafficked internally. [?]


ECPAT International
Collective Action to End Child Sexual Exploitation in Europe Report

Year: 2024

Fact-check: Top 9 claims made on the Regulation to fight Child Sexual Abuse

Year: 2023

Open Letter to the LIBE Committee Rapporteur on the proposed EU regulation to Prevent and Combat Child Sexual Abuse

Year: 2023

ECPAT with 41 child’s rights organisations denounces IMCO’s draft opinion on the EC Child Sexual Abuse Regulation Proposal

Year: 2023

Open Letter: European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Year: 2022



News from Romania


Age of Consent


Age of sexual consent is 16 years. The national legislation provides for a five years close-in-age exemption.

Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Active extraterritoriality is provided for all offences under the Romanian Criminal Code punished with at least 10 years of imprisonment, or in instances where the double criminality requirement is fulfilled, under article 9 of the Criminal Code. Passive extraterritoriality is provided in all instances under article 10 of the Criminal Code. Double criminality is required for extraterritoriality in all instances except for offences punished under Romanian law with at least 10 years of imprisonment under article 9 of the Criminal Code.

Extraditable offences are those punished with at least one year of imprisonment that fulfil the double criminality principle, under articles 26 and 28 of the Law No. 302/2004 on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters. This includes all SEC offences including grooming, engaging in sexual activities with a child in prostitution and accessing CSAM, if punished with less than one year of imprisonment.

SEC offences are referred to as extraditable under the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) framework within the EU without requiring double criminality if the act is punishable by a maximum period of at least three years of imprisonment in the requesting State.

Romanian Criminal Code, Law 302/2004 on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters, 2009 (status as of 2012), 2004

CSAM Definition

No Data

Background Check Required

No Data

National Commitments

No Data

Child Advocacy Centers

No Data

SEC Police Unit

No Data

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism

No Data

Public SEC Case Data

No Data