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ECPAT International in Mongolia is a non-profit coalition of organisations that works collectively and voluntarily by supporting the rights of children and aligning its activities with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ECPAT International and other such international and national legal instruments and networks. The Affiliate Group of ECPAT International in Mongolia works to: increase participation and strengthen cooperation of organisations working to prevent, protect and rehabilitate child victims of commercial sexual exploitation; collaborate with relevant organisations on policy making; and raise awareness about child sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation of children.

Affiliate Group for ECPAT International in Mongolia

Contact: s. Enkhtuya Darjaa or Tamirra Ikhtamir
Phone: +976 11 324333
Address: Sukhbataar District, Baga Toiruu, 6th Khoroo, Hurd khoroolol, Building No.1, P.O. Box 1129, Ulanbaatar, 210646, Mongolia


Mongolian children are trafficked internally for the purposes of sexual exploitation in saunas, bars, hotels, karaoke clubs and massage parlours. Mongolia is a destination country for both international and domestic offenders and it is also classified as a source country for children subjected to trafficking for sexual purposes in South Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Germany, Sweden, and the United States.

Children in Mongolia are exploited to produce child sexual abuse material (CSAM). National laws pertaining to the sexual exploitation of children remain insufficient as they do not clearly criminalise the use or offering of children in the production of CSAM, nor the procuring of children aged 16 or 17 for the production of such materials.

Between 2010 and 2015, 1% of boys and 5% cent of girls aged 15 to 19 were married or in union in Mongolia.

In January 2016, IOM Mongolia, in collaboration with the Mongolian Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Immigration, as well as ECPAT International, launched a two-year project aimed at protecting the rights of victims of human trafficking in Mongolia. The project entails direct assistance to victims of human trafficking, including shelter and reintegration support, awareness raising campaigns and livelihood skills trainings.


ECPAT International
Mongolia – Country Monitoring Report

Year: 2011

National Child Protection Systems in the East Asia & Pacific Region

Year: 2014

ECPAT International
Regional Overview: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in East and South-East Asia

Year: 2014

News from Mongolia


Age of Consent


Age of sexual consent is 16 years. The national legislation does not provide for a close-in-age exemption.

Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Active extraterritoriality is provided for SEC-related offences under the Mongolian Criminal Code committed abroad by Mongolian citizens or stateless persons who have their habitual residence in Mongolia under Section 14.1 of the Criminal Code. Double criminality is not required for extraterritorial jurisdiction.Passive extraterritoriality is not provided for.

Extradition may only happen if provided for in an extradition treaty ratified by Mongolia (Section 15.2 of the Criminal Code). Extradition of Mongolian citizens is forbidden under Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code. Double criminality is required for extradition under Article 406.1.3. of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Extradition may only happen if provided for in an extradition treaty ratified by Mongolia (Section 15.2 of the Criminal Code). Extradition of Mongolian citizens is forbidden under Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code. Double criminality is required for extradition under Article 406.1.3. of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Criminal Code of Mongolia, Criminal Procedure Code of Mongolia, 2002 (status as of 2015), 2001 (status as of 2015)

CSAM Definition

Not Yet Assessed

Background Check Required

Not Yet Assessed

National Commitments

Not Yet Assessed

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit

Not Yet Assessed

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism

Not Yet Assessed

Public SEC Case Data

Not Yet Assessed