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SIFOS NGO, established over 24 years ago in Gabon, stands at the forefront of combating human trafficking and exploitation while specializing in vocational training and social integration of vulnerable populations. With a particular focus on at-risk youth and women, SIFOS has developed comprehensive programs targeting school dropouts and unschooled young people aged 16-25, providing them with essential professional skills and sustainable pathways to economic independence. SIFOS has grown into a vital force in child protection and youth empowerment.

Through its extensive partnership network, including collaboration with the Gabonese government, international institutions, and fellow NGOs, SIFOS has demonstrated remarkable impact in identifying and supporting vulnerable children. Their recent census efforts have reached 1,073 children (653 girls and 420 boys), utilizing a rigorous methodology that engages local authorities, municipalities, and community leaders. Operating from its headquarters at the SION Institute, SIFOS continues to expand its reach and effectiveness in preventing human trafficking and creating sustainable opportunities for vulnerable youth through vocational training and social integration programs.


Contact: Chantal Sagbo
Phone: +241
Address: 5605 Libreville


Age of Consent


Age of sexual consent is 18 years. The national legislation does not provide for a close-in-age exemption.

Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Gabonese law provides for active extraterritorial jurisdiction over offences committed by a Gabonese outside Gabon if the acts are punishable by the legislation of the country where they were committed (double criminality). Gabonese law also provides for passive extraterritorial jurisdiction over offences committed by anyone outside Gabon if the victim is Gabonese. The Criminal Code provides for universal jurisdiction over crimes against the fundamental interests of the Nation, the State and public peace but SEC related offences are not included.

Gabonese nationals cannot be extradited. Extraditable offences are acts punishable by criminal penalties under the law of the requesting State; acts punishable by correctional penalties under the law of the requesting State when the maximum of the penalty incurred is equal to or greater than two years or, in the case of a convicted person, when the sentence imposed by the requesting State is equal to or greater than two months’ imprisonment. Acts must be punishable by Gabonese law with a criminal or correctional sentence (double criminality). There are no specific provisions on extradition of SEC related offences in the national legislation.

Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, CEMAC Extradition Agreement, 2019 (status as of 2020), 2019, 2004

CSAM Definition

Not Yet Assessed

Background Check Required

Not Yet Assessed

National Commitments

Not Yet Assessed

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit

Not Yet Assessed

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism

Not Yet Assessed

Public SEC Case Data

Not Yet Assessed