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Bosnia and Herzegovina


IFS-EMMAUS is a leading civil society organisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina fighting against trafficking in human beings and online child abuse and exploitation. The mission of IFS-EMMAUS is assistance to vulnerable individuals, through rehabilitation, repatriation and reintegration. Its key activities include prevention and suppression of trafficking in human beings with particular focus on children, as well as online child abuse and exploitation. IFS-EMMAUS also manages the European Resource Center for the Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings and other Forms of Exploitation, focusing on training and capacity building, awareness raising and prevention, as well as research and information sharing.

International Forum of Solidarity-EMMAUS

Contact: Ms. Amela Efendic
Phone: +387 33 263 385
Address: Head Office: Duje, 74 207 Klokotnica, Doboj East


Bosnian girls are trafficked for sexual purposes within the country’s borders in private residences, motels and gas stations. They are also trafficked across Europe to countries including Croatia, France, Serbia, Slovenia and Austria.

Vulnerable groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina include Roma girls, who are forced into marriages and subsequently trafficked to Paris and forced to pickpocket, as well as Roma children whose difficulties in accessing education due to prevailing discrimination makes them vulnerable to exploitation.

Family violence against children is an issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Agency for Gender Equality estimating that one in five families experience domestic abuse. Social workers often lack resources to provide housing for children who have fled abuse or require removal from abusive homes.


ECPAT International
Collective Action to End Child Sexual Exploitation in Europe Report

Year: 2024

ECPAT International and IFS-EMMAUS
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Online: Frontline Workers’ Perspectives in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Year: 2021

ECPAT International
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Country Overview

Year: 2018

News from Bosnia and Herzegovina


Age of Consent


The age of sexual consent is 14 years for both girls and boys. The national legislation does not provide for a close-in-age exemption

ECO Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2018

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


In BiH and FBiH active and passive extraterritoriality is provided for SEC crimes but only if the offender is found within their respective territories.

FBiH additionally provides for universal jurisdiction for SEC crimes punished with at least 5 years of imprisonment, covering only some offences. It is unclear whether the double criminality principle applies in these instances.

RS and BD also recognize active and passive extraterritoriality for SEC crimes and require double criminality.

Extradition is provided for SEC related crimes but it requires double criminality, can only be decided by the Court of BiH and can be denied under several circumstances (acquittal, pending proceedings…)

ECO Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2018

CSAM Definition


The Criminal Code of BiH does not contain provisions that deal with offences related to online child sexual exploitation.

The Criminal Codes of FBiH and BD do criminalise some CSAM-related offences but there is no clear definition of what constitutes CSAM which seems to only cover visual material (video and photo).

The Criminal Code of RS provides a definition of CSAM in line with international standards.

ECO Bosnia, 2018

Background Check Required

Not Yet Assessed

National Commitments


Bosnia and Herzegovina has ratified the CRC, the OPSC, the OPIC, the Trafficking Protocol and the ILO Convention No. 182.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has also ratified the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote and Budapest Conventions.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has not ratified the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics

ECO Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2018

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit


There is no dedicated national police unit that specifically includes SEC in its mandate.

ECO Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nov-18

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism

Not Yet Assessed

Public SEC Case Data


National data on cases of trafficking in human beings is published on a yearly basis and is disaggregated by form of exploitation, age, gender and nationality. It is unclear whether these reports provide information on compensation sought by child victims.
There is no public case date for other SEC manifestations beyond UNICEF reports on child marriage.

ECO Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nov-18