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The Beninese practice of ‘vidomegon’ places children in wealthier homes with the purpose of providing them with educational or vocational opportunities, however some of these children are exploited as domestic servants. Additional reports confirm instances of sexual abuse, exploitation and recruitment into the sex trade within the practice.

. In 2016, 32% of women between 20-24 years old had been married by the age of 18 years. 11% had been married by the age of 15 years. Child marriage rates differ vastly between rural and urban areas, in 2006 women living in rural were more than twice as likely to be married by age 18 than their urban counterparts.

Benin is the largest source country for trafficking victims in the Republic of Congo. In Benin, Togolese girls are a particular trafficked group and reports show cases of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism involving both girls and boys in Mono and shores of the Bight of Benin.


ECPAT International
Benin – Country Monitoring Report

Year: 2014


Age of Consent


The age of sexual consent for girls is 18 years. No age of sexual consent is provided for boys. The national legislation does not provide for a close-in-age exemption.

Analysis of country legislation on age of sexual consent, 2024

Extraterritoriality & Extradition


Beninese law provides for active and passive extraterritoriality over offenses committed outside Benin by Beninese citizens or against a Beninese citizen. Habitual residents are not included. Double criminality is required for proceeding with extraterritorial jurisdiction over most SEC offences based on the principle of active personality but it is lifted for some SEC offences that qualify as “crimes”. Double criminality is required for passive extraterritoriality.
Article 641 of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides for universal jurisdiction over crimes against the security of the State or counterfeiting of the seal/currency of the State if the perpetrator is found in or extradited to Benin. Benin extends its jurisdiction over crimes committed abroad if they are punishable by Beninese laws. SEC offences are not expressly mentioned.

Extradition of Beninese nationals is not permitted and extradition is only allowed if the perpetrator has committed an offence in the territory of the requesting State; outside its territory by a national of that State; or outside its territory by a person foreign to that State, when the offense can be prosecuted under Beninese law. Double criminality is generally required for proceeding with extraditions and extradition is not permitted if the crime was committed in Beninese territory. Beninese legislation does not refer to SEC offences as extraditable offences.

Criminal Code Code of Criminal Procedure Amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure, 2018, 2013, 2020

CSAM Definition

Not Yet Assessed

Background Check Required

Not Yet Assessed

National Commitments

Not Yet Assessed

Child Advocacy Centers

Not Yet Assessed

SEC Police Unit

Not Yet Assessed

Protection Standards Travel and Tourism

Not Yet Assessed

Public SEC Case Data

Not Yet Assessed