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Corporate Social Responsibility can help end the Sexual Exploitation of Children

Posted on Oct 16, 2012

The latest ECPAT journal looks at the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) presents useful ideas on how the CSR model can be improved, in particular responding to calls for greater transparency. ECPAT and a number of pioneering companies are at the forefront of this collaborative social change. Those who are participating are proving that the sometimes missing component in CSR – accountability – can indeed be addressed.

The first article of this Journal captures some of the key debates surrounding CSR and the links to commercial sexual exploitation (CSEC): should it be voluntary or obligatory and to what extent can corporations actually be held accountable through CSR for child protection issues?

The second article illustrates how businesses can move beyond apparent tokenism within their CSR mandates with good practice examples in the travel and tourism sector, expanding ICT industries and financial businesses.

The final article of this journal gives an in-depth evaluation of a voluntary, self regulatory code of conduct that is currently gaining credibility within the travel and tourism industry.

Read the Journal online here