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Calls for funding #1

Posted on Aug 24, 2022

We’re sharing what we know! Learn more about the latest calls for funding.

In our ongoing efforts to support our members and recognizing that there are pressures on your time and resources, going forward, we will be sharing periodically the latest and most relevant calls for funding.


Effective fight against trafficking in human beings  

Deadline – 23 November 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time 

Brief: Trafficking in human beings is a serious and organised form of crime that involves the criminal exploitation of vulnerable people, the goal of which is the economic gain. This crime is often cross-border and consistently many victims are women and girls, around one fourth of all victims being children. Around half of the victims are EU nationals within the EU.  Trafficking can take place for various exploitation purposes, including sexual exploitation, forced labour, servitude, removal of organs, forced criminality).  

Innovative, reliable and comprehensive statistics are crucial in obtaining a complete intelligence picture of this crime, the modus operandi of the related criminal groups, identifying and addressing trends, developing evidence-based policy, and measuring the impact of individual initiatives. Innovative intelligence-based technological means of detecting, tracking and disrupting the online activities related to trafficking in human beings (including darknet) should be developed as well. The proposed activities would also aim to contribute to countering the culture of impunity by increasing the capacity of Police Authorities to detect the trafficking crime, the suspected perpetrators and the victims and to disrupt the business model and/or establish responsibility of all those involved in the trafficking chain.
Funding programme: Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) 


Africa: Call for Projects “Impact 2024 International 

Deadline – 1 September 2022  

Brief: The Organising Committee for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the French Development Agency (AFD) are launching the third session of the Impact 2024 International call for projects to promote sport as a tool for development in Africa. The purpose of the Impact 2024 International call for projects is to finance sports micro-projects dedicated to young people and equitably for girls, focused on equality and inclusion, citizenship and living together, the protection of childhood, education, health, environmental protection and vocational training and integration.
Funding programme: French Development Agency 


JR McKenzie Trust’s Grant Program in New Zealand 

Deadline – 23 September 2022 

Brief: The JR McKenzie Trust is seeking applications for its grant program to create a socially just and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. Applications must have a strong focus on equity and demonstrate alignment with at least one of their three change strategies: 

  • Support community innovation, voice and leadership 
  • Strengthen collaboration and support collective action
  • Grow capacity for system-focused solutions 

 Local Initiatives Fund South Africa  

Deadline – 26 September 2022 

Brief: Are you engaged in social impact actions in the townships? Are you duly registered in South Africa? If yes, then join the new Local Initiatives Fund – South Africa (LIFSA) and apply to finance your project. The “Local Initiatives Fund” call for proposals in South Africa (LIFSA) is an initiative of the Government of the Principality of Monaco in partnership with the Alliance Française of Johannesburg and with the support of ILLIS Monaco for the benefit of civil society in the townships of Johannesburg targeting children (under six years old), youth and women. 

This initiative is taking place in a context where poverty and unemployment in South African townships have been amplified by the health crisis, which has also reduced the capacity of local associations to help the most vulnerable populations, especially children and girls.
Funding programme: Govt. of the Principality of Monaco 


Gupta Family Foundation Grant Programme  

Deadline – 30 September 2022  

Brief: The goal of Gupta Family Foundation is to support intervention programs that assist and inspire people to achieve self-sufficiency. Grants are made to non-government organizations (NGOs) around the world that provide social assistance to people challenged by poverty, disability, or discrimination. The Gupta Family Foundation is dedicated to uplifting and empowering individuals disadvantaged by poverty or disability, or by discrimination based on race, class or religion; providing social services to the elderly, disabled, children and those who are disadvantaged; and providing relief for emergencies (such as genocide) and natural disasters. 

Grants to strengthen the Commitment and Capacity of Local CSOs in Chad 

Deadline – 30 September 2022 

Brief: The European Commission (EC) has announced a call for proposals to strengthen local civil society organizations (CSOs) as independent, credible, participatory actors for good governance and development at the national level. The specific objective of this call for proposals is: to strengthen the commitment and capacity of local civil society organizations (CSOs) as actors of good governance and development at the national level. 


Grants to Support Civil Society Organizations in Turkey 

Deadline – 1 September 2022  

Brief: Since 2001 the Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul has promoted collaboration between Sweden and Turkey through disposing funds. With these funds, aim to support civil society organizations throughout Turkey, to serve as a resource for their partners, and to provide a platform for public debate. They encourage projects that foster collaborations between different institutions and sectors of society, that include activities in multiple regions of Turkey and that are co-funded with other grant makers. They also encourage that a gender equality perspective is mainstreamed into the applicant’s organizational structure as well as their working methods, and in the activities of the project.  

Open Call for Small Projects on Building Capacities and Empowering (Portugal) 

Deadline – 16 September 2022 

Brief: The Active Citizens Fund has launched an Open Call for Small Projects on Building Capacities and Empowering. 

The Programme aims to support Portuguese NGO projects in mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Regions ofthe Azores and Madeira, without prejudice to actions that are carried out in Donor or Beneficiary States under partnerships created to implement the selected projects. This Call of the Active Citizens Fund supports projects from Portuguese NGOs, in two areas: 

  • Building NGO capacities for a more democratic society; 
  • Empowering vulnerable groups and respecting diversity. 


Jewish Helping Hands: Tikkun Olam Grant Program 2022/23 

Deadline – 16 September 2022 

Brief: The Jewish Helping Hands (JHH) launched the applications for Tikkun Olam Grant program to advance their goal of inspiring and supporting tzedakah (philanthropy), justice and righteousness, throughout the world. The goal is to help vulnerable populations in the United States and abroad through a variety of programs focused on economic development and social empowerment, with a particular focus on those demographics that have been overlooked and/or marginalized. In the 2022/2023 Grant Cycle, they are focusing primarily on projects that provide the basic necessities for a decent life: 

  • Women’s Empowerment; Education; Food; Shelter; Clothing; Water; Health; Internet Connectivity; Gender Equity 
  • They are also focusing especially on projects in these areas: East Africa; Central America; North America; Any Impoverished Jewish Communities; Israel 


UN Women Spotlight Initiative Guyana Call for Small Grants 

Deadline – Ongoing  

Brief: UN Women is offering small grant to engage on social accountability for legislation and the conduct of service providers to specific at-risk groups including at-risk youth and network building among CSOs to support social justice activism on GBV and Family Violence. 

For more information contact: