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ASEAN MPs adopt a resolution on Eliminating All Forms of Violence and Exploitation of Children

Posted on Sep 19, 2019

At the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) the Social Committee on Social Matters agreed that sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism is an alarming issue in the region.

The General Assembly of AIPA adopted a resolution on Eliminating All Forms of Violence and Exploitation of Children. This took into account the endorsement of the Legal Checklist made at the 10th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Malaysia and will be used as a tool to strengthen and harmonize child protection laws in ASEAN Member States.

The General Assembly resolved to:

  • Encourage ASEAN Member States to build better communication and coordination in combating transnational crimes related to children, child pornography and crimes against children in travel and tourism, through law making, policy development and capacity building initiative in protecting children from sexual exploitation, as well as better sharing of information and best practices;
  • Call upon ASEAN Member States to implement mechanisms to assist children who are victims of trafficking and slavery;
  • Encourage the AIPA Member States to effectively use the Legal Checklist as a mechanism to protect children’s rights.


Read the full text of the Resolution here.

Download the legal checklist in English and Spanish, here.