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Annual Report 2011-12 published

Posted on Nov 23, 2012

ECPAT International has published its Annual Report for 2011-2012 highlighting a year of success for the global ECPAT movement.

In 2011 ECPAT International presented more than 7 million petition signatures to the UN Human Rights Council as part of the Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People campaign in partnership with The Body Shop, which was the largest human rights petition ever presented to the United Nations on a specific issue. ECPAT also hosted its 5th International Assembly bringing together network members from over 70 countries as well as leading experts from civil society, UN agencies and the private sector to strengthen coordinated action to protect children from sexual exploitation. The ECPAT International Global Youth Partnership Project (YPP) also continued working with at-risk youth now reaching more than 320,000 youth worldwide.

The recognition of ECPAT International, and the global ECPAT network, has again been affirmed during 2011-2012 by continued close relationships with a number of UN agencies and their representatives, and by an ability to attract such partners as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Air France, The Body Shop, Virtual Global Taskforce and so many more.

Thanks to our donors and partners, ECPAT remains the leading network against the commercial sexual exploitation of children, with the ECPAT International Secretariat a hub of expertise and excellence.

Read the full report here